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Everything posted by jschadt

  1. So.... now that 1/5th of the TRUs are closing, what are the chances this still sees the light of day?
  2. Hopefully its 3.75 Legends size Logan and Sentinel. It would make the most sense. How many other different characters would there be to make this set interesting? Sentinel is big enough to make the 6Legends guys happy and the 3.75 Logan would make the 3.75 guys happy
  3. Picked up the Marvel Legends Vintage Toy Biz Blaxk Widow and Wolverine from Toys R Us this Morning... was Buy One Get One for 40%... and with my TRU Card hit another 10%off... so got both for $31... not bad
  4. Finally spotted the Iron Man- Mega Man 2 pack today. But for $19.99, couldn't pull the trigger. This would have been a cool way to get some epic Capcom figures out of a series of 2 packs. Even though this scale is "dead" I feel like it was a missed opportunity
  5. I did standard shipping. They shipped from PA, I'm in NY so it wasn't to long...
  6. Mine was just delivered! Will be on my porch when I get home
  7. Thanks for the heads up! I've only seen The Thor/Hulk 2 packs. Now just neecthe Legends Hela
  8. What if it's a 3.75 movie 2 pack?
  9. I caved at $48....
  10. That's a great set.... odd how the other set isn't available
  11. Awesome!!! Still on the fence about this set
  12. I have the 2 Gaurdians of the Galaxy comic packs - $55 shipped if anyone interested
  13. Opened my panther set... WOW what an amazing figure! Articulation is awesome!!! Bravo Hasbro
  14. Opened my panther set... WOW what an amazing figure! Articulation is awesome!!! Bravo Hasbro
  15. Picked up the TRU Exclusive 2 packs today... Black Panther is amazing!!!' Agent 13 is cool too! Just took forever to find one its decent eyes
  16. BBTS just sent an email saying the next wave of figures should be coming in the next 10 days- The Rogue Wave and the Second Series Comic Packs!!!!
  17. Was out this evening- stopped at TRU to see if they had the comic packs... No luck, but they did have several blank spaces for them... I did pick up the CA: Civil War motorcycle... 2 things i noticed- #1- the big is pretty big! # 2 Cap has GIANT HANDS!!!! I thought I saw some where that this is the same figure as the Falcon cap. If that's the case, does The Fal- Cap have giant hands too?
  18. Thanks for the good news!!!! Will keep looking
  19. Anybody having luck finding the 2 packs yet? If so, where are we finding them? I've been looking in TRU, Target and Walmart... Nothing yet
  20. Saw the Cap Wave at TRU today... Very nice set. I'm loving the Red Onslaught BAF
  21. I received the newest wave yesterday. Not Bad. Decent sculpts, and the articulation isn't bad. The joints are all pretty stiff . Yondu is by far my favorite. And the new Captain Marvel is great- her head sits really low, but cool figure. SPIDERMAN Noir is good- kinda big, but cool. Black Panther is also great!!!! Only real disappointed is Ulik. His arms feel like the start in the middle of his body- but still a cool figure... Great Wave!!!!
  22. Never mind... Just got in stock email. The new wave is in
  23. Got an email today from BBTS saying the ML 3.75s will be in within the next 10 days
  24. I have a case on pre order on BBTS, they sent me an email saying they should be available within the next 10 days...
  25. Nice!!!! Store Find? Or eBay?
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