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  1. I hope the rumored Hyperion is from Hickman’s New Avengers.
  2. I hope they make Cyclops on the new Vulcan mold. And maybe go ahead and make the leg straps and boot buckles stay in place.
  3. Hickman Hyperion
  4. Too much articulation ruins the sculpt. Never understood the need for toe articulation.
  5. I would really like a Hickman Hyperion. He was such an iconic character.
  6. #1 Hulk. That figure is amazing. All that 80th Anniversary stuff is turning out great.
  7. I hope they redo Hyperion and 90s Cyclops. Both figures would look great on the Spiderman UK body mold. The original Hyperion is too wide and Cyclops is a bit under sized. Cyclops needs molded buckles on his legs. I tried to glue mine on so they didn’t fall every time I pick up the figure. I successfully made a mess. A toy company could definitely do better. Looks like the new Havok will suffer the same fate. The original Hyperion was just bad and it aged worse. Hopefully they do a Hickman version soon.
  8. I never liked the Hyperion body mold. I definitely hope they retire it.
  9. I hope to see an updated Hyperion that isn’t on a Hyperion body mold.
  10. Just glad he doesn't have that dumbass upper thigh T joint they sometimes put on larger figures.
  11. Strong Guy regular elite and Nimrod baf. Throw us in a Jim Lee era Havok while you're at it.
  12. I would like to see an updated Hyperion with a non Hyperion body mold.
  13. I wouldn't be interested. I only collect comic figures.
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