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Everything posted by Porter2006

  1. I've seen Sunfire, polaris and Wolverine almost everywhere. Saw one shatterstar, didnt buy it, was in checking for a new shipment the next week and it was gone. Cyclops and Collosus..none. GOTG line has been everywhere, I've seen the complete line a few times on shelves.Sandman wave was breifly on the shelves, I saw one Goblin and Ms. Marvle in the wild but already had them, got them as singles from BBTS. I have never seen shocker in the wild though.
  2. I havent seen it up on EE, do you have a link?
  3. Am i a bad person for passing on a punisher today? Oh, Punisher in North Texas
  4. Illestr8r, if your looking for Namor we have plenty here, I'd be happy to pick one up for you. Pm if that something you want to do
  5. I checked yesterday and there werent any in my local walgreens
  6. Hey, I collect spiderman figures myself. In the past I had the Mcfarlane spiderman and a few other superposeable iterations of spiderman and I think my favorite is the SDCC spiderman in terms of poseability. He doesnt come with any accessories so what you see is what you get (a fist hand and a thwip hand). In terms of best spiderman overall I would go with pizza spiderman because he is the same figure with less range of motion in the upperleg/hip joint but with classic colors/headsculpt and three full sets of interchangeable hands, partially unmasked head and a pizza slice. Neither of those figures will break the bank but they wont be cheap either. The new deadpool figure is great too. If you are looking for an alien I really like the s.h monsterarts alien warrior, if you want that one be patient and look for a cheap auction, they usually don't end up autioning for more than 20 or 30 but the buy it now people have it set at 50-100.
  7. Actually my LCD had it and still has it. He gouges the prices. Black pather is 35 the rrst of the line varies but only cap is less that 27.
  8. I'm wondering the same thing! Thanks illestr8r!
  9. Yeah the packaging is pretty sweet, also it makes them super easy to spot when hunting the figs down. SB toys, nice job on shortening your videos! I subscribed to your channel. Hey I did have a thought, that video about the pirated deadpool was really interesting, I am not a HUGE HUGE toy review watcher but I do regularly watch JayC and Shartimus and I havent noticed that kind of review before (where you take a look at the bootlegged ones). If your not finding many of those videos it may be one type of video that could set your channel apart from others. Hope that helps!
  10. I just wanted to follow up on this post so that anyone having the same problem can have a complete reference. For future reference this was a Deadpool figure based on the Bucky-Cap model, the left arm elbow at the second joint (the one furthest from the shoulder in the elbow). This should work for all the double joints in the elbows and knees. I GOT THE JOINT TO WORK!! First a list of what I did not do: 1. Use a lot of force, I didnt want to break the joint..i prefer a stuck joint to a jacked up figure 2.Hairdryer, this may work for some people but I was a bit too shy to try it 3. HOT water, same reason 4. Tools, unless you count fingernails I didn;t use any because I didn't want to gouge or mar the figure. Also its sometimes hard to gauge force through a tool so I didnt want to chance destroying the arm Here is what I did: First attempt: Soaked arm in lukewarm water with hand soap for 20 minutes. I chose handsoap because it is a little more gentle than other soaps usually so I wanted to minimize potential damage to paint. 20 minutes because the water was still a bit warm and I wanted the joint to be above room temp I wiggled the joint gently for about 10 minutes taking care to not strain the joint. I didn't want to destroy any inner workings of the joint and end up with one that swings freely. This attempt didn't yield any movement. Second attempt: hand soap with no liquid at room temp. put a very very small drop of soap on the end of a toothpick and carefully applied it to the joint. I then wiggled the joint gently for about ten minutes. I did notice that the joint moved very slightly after this attempt and decided to followup later with more wiggling. Followups: I did not add any more soap but simply wiggled the joint along whatever range of motion I could get for that time. To extend the range of motion I held the connector piece between the fore arm and the upper arm gently with my fingernails while I gently applied a very small but steady amount of pressure to the fore arm in the direction I wanted to extend the range of motion. After a few nights of doing this 4 or 5 times I finally got the fore arm to pop past the first position (fully extended) and into the second position (in between fully flexed and fully extended). Once this was achieved the arm would move normally (or with a small bit more that normal) amount of resistance. Again, the key here is that I placed priority on not destroying the limb and took great care in moving the limb. I believe the soap applications prior to the followup was very important because it acted as a lubricant, to that end I didn;t want to try WD-40 or any other oil/grease based lubricant because I was worried the paint was oil based and would be smeared. The drawbacks to using soap are that a very basic soap may also affect paint (thats why i chose handsoap) and the soap may later dry into a crust inside the joint rendering it stuck again. While nothing can be done about the risk to the paint except minimizing the amount of soap applied (especially undiluted) any crust may be washed out by soaking or rinsing the joint. I hope this helps, I tried to be as detailed as possible because to my knowledge there is no other clear guide to doing this with minimal risk to the figure.
  11. yeah I hear you. I do scientific presentations and its always a struggle to find the right balance. Keep working at it and you'll get it!
  12. I'll help relieve you of the spidey. Send me a personal message!
  13. It's not me calling it a variant, its the seller of the ebay listing.
  14. I was at my local comics store and they had the entire line on their new arrivals shelf. They got the x men wave in a few weeks before target/hts (this last week). Hopefully this means we will see a wide release soon!
  15. That's what I was thinking. I am thinking I will ask Hasbro directly. The head does share a lot with the Sharon figure but the eyebrows and hair are very different. But some people sell very convincing custom heads that I assume are 3d printed
  16. Theres a comment where someone says its a custom and the seller SWEARS he got it out of the case like that. So much BS
  17. What do you guys make of this? It's from an ebay listing for a Phoenix variant. It has a ponytail that seems to be it.http://www.ebay.com/itm/Phoenix-VARIANT-Marvel-Legends-6-inch-X-Men-wave-1-2016-BAF-Juggernaut-/182232599766?hash=item2a6de8ccd6:g:ibsAAOSwt7ZXpQXb
  18. any one know when the Space Venom BAF wave is supposed to hit stores? I haven't seen them for sale anywhere except online retailers
  19. That sucks, actually here I had a great experience with Target employees. One even took my phone number and had the night shift guys pull the figs I was looking for before they hit the shelves.
  20. hey man, good review! If I can be so bold here are a few critiques of the video, please understand I'm just trying to be helpful and constructive. 1. The preamble was really long and hard to sit through. You made a LOT of GREAT points and had awesome background info but it may help to try to be a bit more straight to the point or possibly sprinkle the info throughout the video. 2. The video is really long, thats more of an opinion than anything but I typically don't have the patience to sit through a 20 min video. Look at your analytics and see if the viewers are hopping around in the videos, try to see what they are going to and then edit so that you have what they want to see most. If the 20 min videos are getting consistent viewership through the entirety then you can consider me full of sh*t haha 3. Your post-amble (not sure if thats a word) is also pretty long and repeats a lot of the things you have already said. You might do best to try to make every piece of your video build on your whats ahead of it and provide new info, if we want to listen to something again we will go back and find it. Again, great video, the video quality is excellent, the sound is good and clear and your set is nice and clean and really draws the eye to the subject of your video (the action figure). Keep it up!
  21. The Xmen wave hit in Dallas Today. I visited 6 targets but never once saw wolverine, deadpool or rogue. The toy people said they were put on hold early this morning. Best of luck!
  22. Man, that Xmen wave hit and went in the Dallas Area. I have called pretty much every store throughout today and I got a few but Deadpool, Wolverine and rogue were gone at all of the stores i went to and called. Pretty pissed at some places because the employees would say they didnt have it out and to call back tomorrow then I would do another round of calls and another employee would say they were sold. SONS OF B*!@#32. Ah, I'm good now. guess it's up to the scalpers to show some mercy on this one.
  23. I'm curious about where the people who have seen the figs in retail are at, generally. Walgreens just got Namor here and Target says they don't have the xmen wave "on file" ...not even sure what that means
  24. Called around in Dallas Ft Worth Area nothing on file here at target. Must be getting a slower rollout here. Are you in the Bay area?
  25. How accurate are the inventory trackers like brickseek?
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