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Everything posted by leokearon

  1. Given what they have done with other women, why is Jean so hard to get right. It can't be that hard to do an attractive Redhead.
  2. They are blind box model kits which give you a very possible 3.75 inch figure. They have been very popular with Transformers fans, already have five waves (with a six coming) along with a couple of special waves.
  3. Xavier Secret? Which one, since Deadly Genesis, CHuck seems to have nothing but dodgy stuff in his closet
  4. That's my biggest problem with this set, it is so bare-bones. Rogue doesn't even have any bare hands to absorb powers. Destiny should have come with two unmasked heads and her crossbow
  5. Still not sold. Don't need Rogue and Destiny is bare bones. I'll wait for a better Destiny.
  6. Blokees are now going to be doing Marvel Characters starting with the MCU
  7. Probably. It could also be Death's Head since he's supposed to available for Pre-Order in Europe in October and so he might also available again in other places
  8. Interesting what the Second chance will be? Maybe Mephisto since we have Maddie and Daimon
  9. Yeah, he's clearly a love-to-hate character. To be honest, I think it is better for Duggan to create new villains to reform, since a lot of times reformed villains these days get reset
  10. Don't see why they aren't calling it Dark Avengers given the Asterisk and the Tag line
  11. If you complete the BAF it's still an accomplishment, also you save money on not needing to buy this version
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