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Posts posted by leokearon

  1. On 10/7/2024 at 8:25 PM, jscottt991 said:

    Almost any head is an improvement, but this old MJ TRU two pack head looks decent. There are versions of this head without the freckles so I might track one of those down.

    The Dark Phoenix Jean head is the best, but prices aren't great.


    Might have to locate my MJ cosplaying as Black Widow figure and try that out

  2. On 10/7/2024 at 2:34 PM, AndyL said:

    Yes. Sadly poor Jean is the one character that suffers most from bad portrait interpretation in ML form. First the Celine Dion not terrible but just so totally wrong face from the Juggs wave. Then the Love Triangle Jean Grey which wasn't so bad if it didn't have built in eye roll and RBF mouth. Then this one who actually resembles Molly Ringwald IMO. Or a Romita style Mary Jane actually. The best faces so far have been the Phoenix from the TRU 2 which was beautiful but clearly Cochrum inspired and followed closely by the Retro card one which only comes with the no pupil eyes. But somehow none of them are just right. I don't understand why they can't do something similar to the Black Queen head sculpt but with a slightly more pleasant disposition. Now that was a good looking head sculpt. And yes. Couple those bad head sculpts with the fact that most of them suffer from the terrible wobbly knee base model and Jean's been done pretty dirty for most of the ML lifespan.

    Given what they have done with other women, why is Jean so hard to get right. It can't be that hard to do an attractive Redhead.

  3. On 10/6/2024 at 8:15 PM, Lord_Scareglow said:

    Never heard of Blokees, but they are cute kids toys, I don't think these are for me, I'm not really a fan of the proportions but hey they are supposed to be Blokeey, so yeah these kinda remind me of those bend n flex toys or whatever, I actually would buy these for me Niece, because it's a tradition I buy her Marvel figures and these would be perfect for the little ones.

    I don't seem to see anything indicating the scale of these though, that I'm curious about.

    They are blind box model kits which give you a very possible 3.75 inch figure. They have been very popular with Transformers fans, already have five waves (with a six coming) along with a couple of special waves.

  4. On 10/6/2024 at 2:23 AM, Atlantis said:

    Its great that they finally did a Destiny, though why they didn't give her a maskless head is beyond me. I will say this: WOW she has the figure doesn't she? This is the kind of thing that should have been on Madame Hydra at least. Far as Rogue goes, @AndyL said it all. Absolutely no reason they couldn't have given her some torso articulation. 

    That's my biggest problem with this set, it is so bare-bones. Rogue doesn't even have any bare hands to absorb powers. Destiny should have come with two unmasked heads and her crossbow

  5. On 10/4/2024 at 10:25 AM, jscottt991 said:

    The Rogue would be better as a young, evil Rogue if she didn't look like she was in her late 40s.

    But that's  what she originally looked like


    On 10/4/2024 at 12:07 PM, Xorr-the-God-Jewel said:

    Hasbro is either too lazy, too stupid, or too arrogant (or some combination of the three) to simply do some polls or surveys and figure out what the fans actually want. They admit to guessing about what to do for Haslabs. Just incompetence all around. Incompetence and greed.

    Polls and surveys really work since bots could easily mess with the results. Also Hasbro have been known to just make up the results to suit themselves.

  6. On 9/27/2024 at 12:51 AM, ADour said:

    He definitely feels like a "love to hate" character and looks the part, but I have to say that, with a book revolving around the idea of reforming villains, there are plenty of established bad guys that I feel could fill his spot.

    Yeah, he's clearly a love-to-hate character. To be honest, I think it is better for Duggan to create new villains to reform, since a lot of times reformed villains these days get reset 

  7. On 9/22/2024 at 3:03 PM, MeGrimlock78 said:

    I'm not sure how I feel about BAF's being released as deluxes.

    On the one hand, it gives me a chance to get a figure where I didn't feel like it was worth it to collect the wave and sell the individual figures, which I like.

    On the other hand, there was a sense of pride behind collecting an entire wave to get the BAF...a badge of honour you could say.


    If you complete the BAF it's still an accomplishment, also you save money on not needing to  buy this version

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