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Everything posted by leokearon

  1. I would prefer either an improved suit body or his Animated Series look (even though he didn't wear masks)
  2. Totally agree. I am now expecting there will be no new Wanda figure announced despite it being her 60th Anniversary.
  3. Still debating getting the Vulture (and Spidey) set. I want Vulchy but not sure about getting another Spidey
  4. So roughly six products per brand, that for Marvel Legends could easily be a wave
  5. That Wanda is incredible. Hasbro really need to do Wanda's modern costume
  6. Ah the preview mag. Interesting that they are using these two, mean they weren't allowed to be used in From the Ashes
  7. I looks fantastic and the price is very good, but I have no room for it
  8. Best of luck everyone. With PulseCon reveals coming, we are going to need all the help we can get
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