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Everything posted by leokearon

  1. Surprised in one way, it isn't. That would be something you would expect Hasbro to do
  2. I agree, it would make more sense on the Entity/Evil Xavier with the green suit and cape.
  3. Managed to get the Thor/Destroyer two Pack for €24 at GAME today
  4. The DP doesn't look much. Makes you wonder why they bothered with the Legacy figure if they were just going to release a new one
  5. Yeah, looks like a standalone figure, no mention of a BAF and if it was a BAF wave (or even a full wave) I would have thought they would have taken a photo of the back to show the other figures
  6. Yeah, not paying nearly 30 quid on a figure stand. Maybe this will shelf-warm and I'll get it for 20 quid like I did with the White Black Widow set
  7. Seeing Venom invisible web swinging, makes me wish we could get some new web line effects
  8. I'm ready to be very disappointed. My fear is that the line will be another quick re-release line with hardly anything new. Probably the teased Kang
  9. They are definitely going for the modern day knight with that armour. Still the premise isn't the best, why can't they just let Tony have a company, like how many has he had
  10. I doubt it, this is clearly the same as the Defender Strange. Standard figure with an accessory to make it a Deluxe
  11. We collectors might be, but would the stores want a pack or wave with no-one recognisable? Even then would collectors? Say there was a 5 pack of Avengers, with Silverclaw, Stingray, Triathlon, Swordsman and Mantis, would people buy it? Totally agree about the figures been done accurately. It boggles my mind that they can make figures that are pretty much perfect like the upcoming Death's Head and then do phoned-in stuff like the Destiny/Rogue two pack. It's like the have two teams making them
  12. That Secret Wars wave has been rumoured all year. It has potential if true but I fearing a missed opportunity
  13. Picked up the Zabu wave Cable today. Really cool figure, though I wish he had some weapon storage
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