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Everything posted by MIKE

  1. I found chill-pool at best buy. Might try there. He is really cool.
  2. I hope it works. I drove by two locations in the twin cities last weekend and it was a bummer to see them empty. Good luck on the come back.
  3. Thing has hit Chaska, mn. A little beat up though.
  4. Night Thrasher is awesome. Excited for a Jubilee. The build a figure set didn't come out in my area and I will be dambed if I gonna pay the way jacked up after market price for the set.
  5. Can't wait for this movie to come out. I have never seen an animated move on the big screen. This looks like a good on to start with.
  6. No time for games either. Love the figure though and will pick it up for my collection.
  7. I was so wraped up in missing toysrus I dint think about all the employees that lost there jobs. They really should hire them back and give them all the pay and benefits they had when they were let go. If they dont I will have to rethink shopping there if they reopen. Can't support a company that would do that to so many people. Hope toysrus does the right thing.
  8. I hope it's true. I have been going to TOYRUS. as far back as I can remember. I'm 51. I Have taken my kids and grandkids there. I bought all there first bicycles and many birthday and Christmas presents there. It was very sad they closed. Hope they come back.
  9. Another marvel movie I can't wait to see.
  10. I used to collect the 3.75 figs. Got too expesive and hard to find in my area. I like the 6 in. better.
  11. Awesome but way out of my price range. Bummer.
  12. Pass for me as well. Same with the Hydra two pack.
  13. I hope it doesn't suck. The clips I have seen look pretty good to me. Can't wait to see it.
  14. I'm looking forward to see it. Granted there not on the same scale as the other marvel movies there still fun to watch.
  15. The souron wave has been showing up at Best Buy in Minnesota. Might check there.
  16. Big time suck. Alot of them call them selfs master collectors. What a crock of !@#$
  17. Haven't seen the thing in the Minneapoils area either and very few silver surfers here as well. I will post as soon as I do.
  18. Don't need another thing. Magik is what I'm excited about.
  19. I am really looking forward to Captian Marvel. I guess that I am not as picky because I loved all that marvell has put out since iron man 1. Even some of the older stuff as well. Go Marvel.
  20. Cant wait to get mine either. Love the the head scalps.
  21. All right. Another chance to win. Thank you Marvelous news. Its hard to keep up with so many waves dropping at once and all the 10th ann. figures. Good luck to everone.
  22. I am pretty sad. I have been collecting Marvel Legends from the start. The prices keep going up and there throwing out so many awesome figures I will never be able to keep up on my budget. I guess some people can afford it but not me. I wish they would spread them out a little more. I'm sure it would help a lot of fellow collectors out there if they did. Its a bummer.
  23. Both sets are so cool. Really like the X-MEN wave. Good luck to all of us.
  24. Cant wait to get my copy. I was only able to see it once in the theater. Looking forward to watching it over and over again.
  25. Anybody see any of these new waves around Minneapolis area? I"ve been watching all around the south east metro and have seen nothing.
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