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Posts posted by Sasquatch

  1. It comes down to the fact that Sasquatch has towered over other large characters like Hulk in the John Byrne-era Alpha Flight comics. Now Legends Hulk is the same size as Sasquatch and Legends Juggernaut is even bigger than Sasquatch. So to me, that would justify a 12" Sasquatch figure if everyone else is increasing in size.

    A 12" Sasquatch would fall in the acceptable range of his classic comics size to me compared with other large Legends figures, as shown in that YouTube video.

    And as I said, slightly too large is preferable to me for a large character and that can be masked just by crouching the figure's legs like the Select Colossus fitting in with other Legends.

    I know Hasbro is not going release another Legends Sasquatch since they just gave us one, so I was hoping I could somehow get another larger version of him another way. But I'm sure there won't be another Sasquatch in any form. I was hoping Select would release one but they continue to say they have no plans to make Sasquatch.

  2. Slightly. But I'd prefer slightly too big over too small. You can always crouch them down to get them to appear a little smaller. That's what I do with the Select Colossus to fit him in with Legends scale.

    On the Legends scale, Sasquatch should be like 10" (roughly the height of Select Groot but wider). The Sasquatch Legends BAF was only 8.5". Too small. He's the same size as Hulk and I feel he should tower over Hulk like on the classic cover of Hulk 272.

    Here's a Youtube video showing a 12" Icons Beast with other 6" Legends and 7" Select figures. If that was Sasquatch instead of Beast, that looks about right to me size-wise.


  3. On 4/5/2019 at 3:51 PM, Fitz616 said:

    Would be awesome if they transitioned the 12" line with characters that fit in with the 6".

    Giant-Man, Stature, Goliath, Atlas, Yellowjacket, Iceman w/ AOA alt head, Ms. Marvel, Kleinstocks, Collective Man, Armor, Apocalypse, Wonder Man in ionic form, Nightmare, Dormammu, Galactus, Krakoa, Skrull, Titan from Imperial Guard

    I've thought of that too, fitting in some 12" figures with the 6" scale figures. Sasquatch would be a good candidate as the Legends BAF version was a bit undersized. Giant-Man too.

  4. When this wave was first announced, I also thought Hercules would be the most interesting and sought-after figure from this wave. I do tend to favor the bigger figures. I was surprised to see some others saying he didn't interest them. But now it sounds like more people are being swayed with more reviews coming out showing that he's probably the best made figure of the wave.

    I would also have a preferred his classic outfit but maybe that will come in the future, considering how many re-releases Hasbro has done recently with different (and classic) outfits, like the vintage wave figures and the upcoming Kraven and some of the 80th anniversary figures like Colossus.

  5. 11 hours ago, Podtera said:

    Has anybody figured out how much these will cost? I’m assuming $24.99 for the single figures. And $39.99 for the two packs?? 

    Single figures are either $19.99 or $24.99 depending on the figure. Most two-packs are $49.99 but it's $59.99 for larger two-packs like Hulk/Wolverine and Colossus/Juggernaut.

  6. 14 hours ago, galahad33 said:

    still not feeling the Thor..something about him is too passive for me...

    Yeah, I was initially underwhelmed by the reveal of Thor in the stock image against the white background. I showed the gf and she said he looks like a girl, which I agreed with. But since seeing other photos in the showroom, he has grown on me and he looks better in those photos. He does look passive and has a very blank expression but I think I was expecting that when it was first revealed that he would be inspired by Alex Ross art, which is photorealistic, looking like a real person dressed up as Thor, and often depicts Thor standing serenely. So I expected it would not be a dynamic figure, oozing energy. Alex Ross doesn't do that. His art exudes more quiet power and stately poses. But either way, a classic costumed Thor was a must-have for me.

  7. On 2/16/2019 at 9:25 PM, Gmen4ever said:

    Was hoping to get a few more Alpha Flight core members to go along with that awesome Vindicator/Guardian.

    I would love to get more Alpha Flight members too like Shaman and Box. But Guardian is a good addition. They just gave us Sasquatch, even though he's too short. I was hoping Diamond Select would give us a bigger Sasquatch in their 7" scale but so far, every time someone asks them about Sasquatch, they respond they have no plans to make him.

  8. On 2/16/2019 at 12:50 PM, Gmen4ever said:

    Be nice if Hasbro also gives us a classic 80s Beta Ray Bill to go with classic Thor. That modern version they chose to go with leaves much to be desired imo & no one asked for that version..  Make this happen Hasbro!

    Beta Ray Bill classic version.jpg

    I agree that a classic Beta Ray Bill would have been better. His muted modern colors aren't as cool as the vibrant colors of his classic outfit. His Stormbreaker seems too massive too. Hopefully we get the 80s version of him in the future, to go along with classic Thor.

    I just looked at the Toy Fair photos of him again and it looks like maybe his cape is removable. One side of the cape has come unclasped in the photos. If so, that's a cool detail. For older versions of Thor, the capes were always such a hassle, preventing Thor from standing properly.

  9. These reveals this weekend blew me away. We'd already heard who the rumored characters would be but they did not disappoint with final sculpts. I'm most pumped for the new definitive Hulk, Colossus, Thor, and Captain America, in that order. Iron Man, I'll probably pass on. His helmet is weird and there's already other good Iron Men out there.

    Colossus seems to be using the same body as the Warlock wave Colossus from what I can tell. I was hoping maybe for a slightly bigger (very slightly) body. But overall no complaints. Hasbro knocked it out of the park. And the Hulk is one I've always wanted (in bulk, size, color, appearance)! Previous versions of him were thin compared with bulky Juggernaut. Plus, butterfly joints on a large figure? Awesome!

    And Hasbro seems to have listened to fan complaints about big-headed Captain America from the Red Skull wave with a better head sculpt, plus the additional improvements of chainmail and a deeper shade of blue.

  10. Great contest, Jay. I can't keep up with the onslaught of new figures and waves that Hasbro has been putting out recently. But that's probably a good thing since I'm running out of display space for figures. I want that Sauron though! I migrated to Legends figures after collecting the 3.75" scale ones -- a line that seems pretty much dead now. The Legends are better quality but cost more and take up more room. Oh well, compromises.

  11. On 9/15/2018 at 2:24 PM, Gmen4ever said:

    Be nice if Marvel Select does Sasquatch as he will then be more scale accurate with ML line being that he will be at least 1 inch bigger than the ML version, preferably they'll scale him at 10' inches tall then he'll be perfect with ML figs.

    Absolutely! That's what I've been hoping for too, for exactly the reasons you described. The ML version is just a bit too small so a Select version would be closer to scale. I have a Select Groot and a new Sasquatch created at the Select Groot height  (around 10") but more muscular and bulky would be ideal. The Diamond Select people do regularly post their question-and-answer sessions on their website and I've seen some fans ask for a Sasquatch occasionally. Unfortunately, their response has always been along the lines of "we currently have no plans to make that figure." I hope that changes.

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