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  1. I’m so excited to see a movie about miles morales I think he’s such an amazing character and I would one day like to see an mcu miles in the future
  2. I think it would be cool to see an astral form of professor x, psylocke and shadow king in that final battle of the comic
  3. I love this line but I think there a little to pricey but hopefully one day I can buy one
  4. I think nighthrasher comes with a skateboard bored witch would also have good use for the spider punk
  5. So many new amazing marvel legends reveales for one we get to finish of our mcu black order and we also get more xmen legends what else could we need
  6. I need to get that hulk buster I think I looks to be in scale with most other lines
  7. I think it looks cool but I don’t think the black panther suit change for infinity war so I don’t see the point in making another one but looks good nonetheless
  8. We need some more 3 3/4 inch figures but I’m also wanting to see these in the six inch scale as well Like a mr negative
  9. I like that hasbro will actually give us some metallic wing out side of a comic con
  10. Yes the classic king pin costume come marvel legends give us some Netflix villains
  11. So glad they rereleased this Giving the people how didn’t get one the first time round I’ve already pre-ordered mine
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