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Posts posted by memocromatico

  1. On 9/17/2021 at 7:53 PM, Gigantor said:

    You make my point. You were in your 20s when you started buying your own figs, you had a financially priviledged childhood & your experience is in the "minority".  Middle class & the poor don't have the cheddar to be buying their kids $24+ figures every week/month. I know I'm not buying an under 10yr old expensive figures that come out in waves of 7 multiple times a yr. I'll get em the much less expensive Marvel alternative figures. If some of you  have the cheddar to get your 5 yr olds all the ML figs they want plus your own, then more power to ya. Most teens & twenty somethings are into the  video gaming business than they are action figures, some of you could deny that all ya want.

    And you make my point as well: the fact that until I was in my 20’s to buy my own figures means that from 0 to 20 people bought me toys. A parent won’t buy a 25 dollar for a 5 year old, but how about a 12 year old? For a birthday, or a holiday. And what about friends or family? A kid could end up with a cool collection if they wanted it. The fact that kids don’t buy as much as we do, does not mean they don’t buy at all. And your point that “most teens are more into video games than action figures” is ridiculous, most adults aren’t into games and action figures, does that mean we don’t matter to the business either?

    Anyway, wave sounds cool, hope Havok is in starjammers costume, it’s one of the remaining comic figures I’d buy.

  2. On 9/17/2021 at 9:51 AM, Gigantor said:

    Cracks me up whenever I see someone mention "Kids always want stuff" when it pertains to the ML line. I have yet to see a "kid" looking at a ML fig whenever I hit Target/Walmart/Walgreens, etc.  At $24 a pop, this is not a kids toyline. No mom, unless she lives in Beverly  hills , is gonna be buying little Timmy these figures. Their parents more than likely buy  them the cheaper made Marvel figs & those 12' scaled 6 POA  figs. Today's generation of kids is mostly into video gaming & Tide pod snorting.

    Man, how old are you? I know I was already in my 20’s when I started buying my own figures… all the ones I had before were bought as gifts, or just because I was the first child in a small family with uncles without children. I know I lived a financially privileged childhood and that my experience is in the minority, but I know for fact that parents do indulge in kid’s wants every now and then. And it’s true too, kids always want stuff, they may not always get it, but want is something they do. 

    I have two cousins under the age of 10. One plays video games and the other loves toys. By my statistics, that’s 50/50. Is that accurate? No, but it’s as accurate as your statement and disdain for younger generations. 

  3. On 9/5/2021 at 10:31 PM, Gigantor said:

    Lol! If you got the jab, you're "immune" to the China virus. Why would you be worried about the one who choose not to get the jab or walk around wearing face diapers? Don't you trust the "science"? Also, why go to a " crammed" theater? Since I hate dealing with crowds, noisy brats, I always go on Sundays and watch the 11am matinee, only a handful of people at that time.

    Because we understand the science. If we had all taken it seriously from the beginning we wouldn’t be dealing with variants that occur when the virus mutates to better adapt to surviving. If we do not eradicate the virus, it doesn’t matter how immune you are, you will always be at risk unless the virus can’t find hosts to mutate in. You read comic books, you understand mutants and evolution, right? Even if I were as selfless as @Virtualzach, taking care of others ends up taking care of myself. Hope you stay healthy and no one you know suffers from the consequences of this. 

  4. Just watched it last night. It was awesome. I loved everything in it, the costume design, the production design for Ta Lo and it’s creatures, the lighting and color in the photography. And the story, I related to Shang-Chi’s troubled upbringing in a non-criminal but ideology conflicting house. It even made me not hate Awkwafina, so that’s something I give kudos to. 

    10 out of 10 rings from me.

  5. 1 minute ago, Gigantor said:

    You pretty much described the PC crowd. They know who they are. I would hate for them to run an action figure company. We'd have no way of knowing who is what & what is who!

    I would've sworn he described the other side of the PC crowd... complaining and pretending those figures would never get made because of some deal with Disney prohibiting it. What would I know, right? I only read what's written here. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Brenttoo said:

    I agree, we had the whole show to see him in that new Falcon suit, I was kind of hoping we'd get a figure of that too. Maybe that'll be the suit they give Joaquin when he becomes the new Falcon and we'll get a figure then.

    That would suck for me, I really want that Wilson Falcon (not dissing on Torres' Falcon possibility, I'll probably want it too)

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