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Everything posted by memocromatico

  1. Or this is just the beginning of the movie, or after Thanos, we don't really know anything other than they have matching suits and are breaking up into teams.
  2. Probably the least impressive avenger, but Hawkeye has been an amazing character throughout the MCU. He is, in a way, a mentor to younger characters, and an inspiration. "You walk out that door... you are an Avenger", I'm so glad he's gonna get something else out of this all :)
  3. My top 3_ Angel Emma Frost Pyro. But my top request would be for the First Class X-Men to be redone, properly.
  4. Gambit, way back when. I had just gotten back into the collecting hobby with LotR, only the characters I really liked though. He was followed by Iceman and Nightcrawler a few years later... then the movie FF, and well then the MCU happened.
  5. I don't know if its the same thing, I assume you're paying with credit card, this is from experience: What stores do when you buy something is send a "fund request" to your bank account. Sometimes, banks hold back money out of suspicious activity, in this case buying from a new store, or having a reboot in their system, or a change in the code or servers. So they reject the payment. And stores try and try again. You should try contacting your bank to see if something's wrong first. If they say nothing's wrong, then call walmart and ask them what's wrong. This has helped me with Amazon.mx, I don't know if it would work the same way for you.
  6. That's what I get for getting into this conversation without having watched last season. Sounds like a cool plot line! Can't wait to see it! And definitely, Talbot would make a great Army guy figure.
  7. I'd argue that Bobbi, Patriot, Yo-yo, Daisy and May are "the big guns", but I understand what you meant and would only be annoying. I agree on almost everyone but Patriot, I wouldn't really mind not getting him. Ada? John Garrett? Hunter? Lance? I'd be more interested in those... and that blind Inhuman, man he'd look cool.
  8. An AoS Robbie Reyes with his car, and a Netflix's Punisher with a van would be pretty epic. If it's specifically MCU tie in, I don't think we have much choice other than Black Widow or Cap with motorcycles. I would love a Milano, tho. I'd be willing to eat canned tuna for a month to pay for it.
  9. I can't wait for this movie!! I already have my midnight ticket! The poster looks really meh, though. Like not so greatly photoshopped collage with images from different artists.
  10. I mean, sure, but the ones that we miss out on are generally really expensive. So getting a new chance on an exclusive is a great thing for me. On the other hand, I am tired of all the Wolverine, Iron Man, and Cap figures we get, unless it's a really good upgrade. But the ones I don't mind, i pass on, or resell after getting the BaF piece out. Or even just sell the BaF piece if its part of a collection I can't get invested into. But I agree with you on us all being completionists, only our level of completion varies among each other.
  11. Man, not being from the US makes me forget this holiday. Got really mixed feelings. On one hand was sadness from the quality of the brand going back 10 years, and on the other my wallet was feeling relieved.
  12. That's probably since he and Heimdall were killed by something other than the snap, or the stones. Gamora and Vision were sacrificed to get a stone, so I guess it makes sense? Maybe? Can it be April 25 already?
  13. My theory is that everybody here has an important role to play in the movie, we're just not seeing it yet.
  14. I always wondered why there wasn't one here... I spend more time here than at TNI
  15. I saw the Cap and thought "great, I can sit this one out since it doesn't have a BaF piece", now it seems like I'll have to buy 2 of these and 2 caps. At least.
  16. Oh man 2011's Thundercats would be awesome!!! Just made me realise I would love Avatar: the Legend of... figures in ML quality!
  17. Precisely, I also got the DK and Fox, and the DK works nicely... Fox and Wario... ehh.... :/
  18. Or just Legendary Rockstars waves with Backdrops of records. They could make boxsets, or waves per band/act. I'd love some Uncharted figures in 6" and ML articulation too. Some Legend of Zelda, I know there's those World of Nintendo figures... but aren't they really lacking?
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