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Ironspider428 last won the day on November 12

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  1. In for the whole Spider-Man wave, 1977 Spider-Man and Lizard. I've been wanting Kaine FOREVER, super happy to finally be getting him. Agent Venom is a much needed update and Francine is a new character for the Spidey villains shelf. I prefer Chameleon's robes from the comics but I'll take this version too. Spider-Boy, Unlimited and 1977 are much appreciated additions to the Spider-Verse shelf and Lizard is disappointing but I definitely need him for the shelf.
  2. We couldn't have gotten a completely new Lizard?? The torso both on the old one and on Sauron absolutely sucks...
  3. That Kaine is GORGEOUS. Props to the Hasbro team for keeping the Spider-Man retro waves the best waves of the year.
  4. Makes me want to go back and pick up Moon Knight. Hopefully Mr Knight actually gets released, Hot Toys has a habit of making reveals at shows that never see the light of day.
  5. I don't think so. That's awesome!
  6. Aww man, I was hoping for something new.
  7. I really hope we see this in ML, I adore this suit. I also really want the Future Foundation suit to finally be done in the modern ML style.
  8. I hope we get him in ML but I'm not holding my breath. We haven't gotten main villains for GOTG3, Marvels or DP3, so idk why they'd start now.
  9. This has to be the Spider-Boy wave right? Can't wait. Hopefully we also get a little MCU tidbit.
  10. Single: Warbird Non-exclusive 2-pack: Iron Fist and Luke Cage Exclusive 2-pack: Outriders Multipack: Cabal
  11. Ooh pretty! Hope we see the rest of the wave soon as well.
  12. This dude was revealed the day after the order window for Dragon Man closed. Any chance we could see the next one in a day or so?
  13. Very excited to see these, I'm down for all of them but I hope Chameleon isn't overly stylized. I'd be cool with Unlimited on the RYV mold and Agent Venom I'm hoping is a new mold. Kaine is LONG overdue.
  14. Wave: Spider-Man Retro (Tombstone wave) Packaging Design: Outriders BAF: Blackheart Deluxe: Movie Carnage
  15. Loved her as X-23, I hope we see a lot more of her in the future and I'd even be down to see her take over the Wolverine mantle. This looks great, I hope a Legends one is in the pipeline.
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