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About JKenbok

  • Birthday 02/20/1984

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  • Country
    United States
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    Pittsburgh, PA
  • Interests
    My kids, Marvel Legends, and making dioramas.

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  1. I wonder if they do that, say list cable early for example, would we still get it early if we pre-ordered it from Megalopolis or BBTS already you think?
  2. So the Mezco one is based on that look more specifically? I guess it doesn’t really matter they’re near exact anyway you look at it.
  3. Damn it! How does this happen. Thanks for posting FASVB
  4. I want this. I’m not even sure why yet cause I don’t normally do any MCU ones but I just love this getup and I really liked how he was in this all of last season. Doesn’t bother me at all that he wasn’t in the reds. Not for the show. Gotta be the reds in the comics but I think this getup works better for the show. He’s a bad man.
  5. Truth! I did luckily pre order two of multiple man because I found a site that let you pre order individuals. Just this Black Friday I picked up two more at That same site for like 35 bucks shipped. But yeah I can’t find sh*t at any Target either here
  6. I just want that killmonger for custom army builds and Klau for another suited version figure. ( even if it is gonna take a little painting). I’m sure that mold will show up again.
  7. I just received this two days ago. I love it! It’s the best looking Mezco Wolverine out so far in my opinion. Even if it’s not a traditional. Still looking forward to the Logan coming soon though.
  8. I can’t wait for this guy. What an improvement! I was able to ore-order him for $66 shipped on this website deepdiscount.com. He was in sale like %27 off or something.
  9. Happy Thanksgiving to the only news outlet I pay attention to! Grateful for your amazing gift this year!
  10. Done. Thank you for the reminder. Phew that one had some tough calls. Part one was much easier to choose for me personally
  11. I pre ordered that wave too and the x-men wave. But it seems kind of crazy we haven’t seen a single one here in PA. Trying to army build those Multiple Mans. And try to find the black haired Psylocke no one wanted at first but is.l now outrageously priced on eBay lol.
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