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Lord_Scareglow last won the day on November 13

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    Comics, Horror, Sci-Fi, Retro Video Games, Metal & Punk

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  1. Pop's make me cringe, but sometimes they make me go Ohh la la, I hate when they do, this is one of those times, it's Venom and it has glowing ooze, ugh stop Funko, you are not allowed to make me want to buy yer dinky bobble head statues.
  2. Ohhhh Venomsaurus Rex you say? I will take one of those, that is a delightful thing, I would love to see a pic of a 6'' figure next to it though for comparison, but hey I'll just buy it anyways.
  3. How about a Captain Forsa figure.
  4. A Golden age WWII boxset would be amazing, I mean really the things they could do with the MTO program is endless and they really should try things out, you know they won't though, and it's just gonna be a different sentinel and a variant hulk every 5 months, because they won't see the bigger picture and embrace the potential scope LOL.
  5. ''Liquid Shifter" hmmm, I dunno about saying that outloud, really just doesn't sit right, but after that being said this figure is sorta cool, it's a idea that's for sure, I almost want to buy this for my niece.
  6. It's probably going to be the new Spider-Man wave, but second bet is X-Men (Fabian Cortez figure wave), but then last place is the mini comic wave, out of all of these possibilities I hope it's the X-Men wave, so I can see a Husk and Marrow figure. But I'd really like to see that Rumoured Shuma Gorath, and a new Anti-Venom.
  7. Amazon sent me this amazing figure, long wait, but worth it. got that classic Death's Head. this figure in my lil hands is making me say this might just be my figure of the year, it's superb. right down to the whole presentation, Honestly legends should just make this the standard boxes from now on, hitting all kinds of nostalgia buttons.
  8. Alright here's what I got. Best Newcomer Hallow's Eve - as soon as I saw her in the comics I knew I wanted a figure, like bad, I love her look, I was so happy to get a figure and it was all I hoped for. Best Remake Scarlet Spider - Scarlet Spider is one of my fav characters, ben in this costume, and I've been waiting for the best version to date and this was it, they did this amazing, the fact that it was so hard to find says that everyone thought the same. Alterenate Universe Spider-Shot - Spider-Shot is so cool looking to me, they did a stand up job on this. Best New Costume Armored Dracula - I've been asking for a dracula since forever, this is actually the version I wanted the most, and it's a winner. Best Re-Release / Repaint Cabal Dr. Doom/Doombot - I know ...yeah this figure when it was in the Super Skrull wave was a delight, but the re-do with a doombot head and soft goods, might just be one of my fav legends, it's classic doom, but now with more Doom bot, it's such a great looking figure. Best Villain Lady Mandarin (Psylocke) - I loved this one, really a magnificent looking figure IMO, had to win something for me. Best Female Power Princess - PP might be one of the best standard release female figures in a really long time, a whole new sculpt, so well executed, and I think it's a no brainer.
  9. Spider-Boy looks good for what it is, I never read a single story with this character, don't really care, honestly seems boring, but it's a new character and therefore I must have it,
  10. Well this looks all kinds of great, almost super tempted to buy this, just because Gwen and Symbiotes, which are two things I adore, it's hard to say no to this one here, it's leaps and bounds better then the ML. (obviously)
  11. LOLEverything You picked here was what I picked Single Exclusive - Death's Head (this was just a wonderful figure overall, finally to get a DH) Non Exclusive 2 pack - Luke Cage & Iron Fist (While there were tons of great 2 packs, most of them only had 1 figure I liked in it this was the only 2 pack of the year non exclusive wise that had 2 figures I liked in it) Exclusive 2 pack - Crystal & Lockjaw (hands down the winner, finally a Crystal figure and I loved it, but also a really great looking Lockjaw finally, a lovely 2 pack) Multipack - SHIELD (this pack had it all, so much versatility, not only could you have Nick Fury Sr and Jr, Dum Dum, Sharon but you can make all kinds of SHIELD characters with this one, I loved the Cabal pack, but this one was a no brainer winner)
  12. Yeah if Indeed the rumoured characters are in this wave, There is a lot to like about it, Mainly for me Kaine, Francine Electro, Agent Venom, also Spider-Boy will be a get since it's a new character, and will be a probably for Unlimited Spidey since that was a look and show I loved.
  13. I'm sure Hasbro will keep this partnership as long as it's making profit, and I don't see Marvel not being profitable after 2026, I'd be shocked if Disney/Marvel would let some other company make these figures, who else would? I guess Mattel possibly, but I doubt that even. The worst case scenario is they did drop Marvel at some point in the future and another company starts doing them in a totally different scale and style, then I'd be done with collecting Legends.
  14. Yeah that face sculpt, well all of them, just don't really look like Hugh Jackman, it's trying, some effort was made, but it's way too soft and just doesn't get it right, Other then that it looks good for being a Mezco figure and depicting what it's supposed to,
  15. Wave - Zabu wave - it had the most figures I wanted out of any wave, and a BAF I wanted so, I feel it was the best Packaging - Death's Head - what a cool packaging, making a card a box, loved it. BAF - The Void - hand's down the coolest BAF of the year, the sculpt, the clear red, it was amazing, how creepy he looks. Deluxe - Dan Ketch Ghost Rider - I've been asking for Dan for so long, and this was done exactly how I would have hoped, it was hard though because we had some great big figures this year, Odin and Carnage were amazing, also Hulkbuster and Skaar, but Ultimately Dan had to get it for me.
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