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enzosaurusrex last won the day on March 4 2023

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  • Birthday October 4

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  1. LOL Seemed like Dwight was itchin' to reveal the X-character with alternate head. Here's to hoping for elaborate sculpting on Lilandra's armour 😛 Looks like I'm getting that Matt Murdock figure.
  2. Catching up on some SDCC news and don't want to get in trouble with the mods (so please let me know if this isn't allowed) but is there supposed to be a video of that X-Men '97 reveal with Jesse Falcon? These pics look like they're screenshots from a video (?)
  3. Hopefully the Amazon Canada links go live soon. These Sentinels will probably be my only Titan figures in my collection.
  4. That looks really good! I lucked out and found Xavier at Winners for $25Cdn 😛
  5. Looks nice. I don't know if it's $100+ nice though. Also, they should have given the non-powered Ororo head her signature blue eyes.
  6. Yea I'm not a fan of the character either or most characters from Morrison's run (it's quite clear the Hasbro team is not a real hurry to make any figures from Morrison's run, they haven't even made Wolverine's weird biker look) but at least the school look for Quentin would've been a unique-looking figure. Without a BAF part this was a skippable this figure. I would've been happy to buy a Quentin figure to put in my villains shelf but this particular one is going in the bin. I also used to think that shorts, sports jacket look was bad back when New X-Men was coming out (I also hate kid characters in movies LOL). That said this black/pink look is just lazy. They could've at least come out with a better looking headsculpt, instead of whatever this is.
  7. Quite possibly the ugliest Legends figure in a while. Or at the very least ugliest X-Men figure. Anyways I know why they went with this look because it's the cheaper version to make as opposed to the shorts, sports jacket look. But at least that would've looked better.
  8. I never bought into the social media outcry (mostly on FB) that this Emma was fugly. Certainly nowhere near Retro Sue Storm levels if the FB posts would have us believe. Nor the Retro Rogue levels. Remember people losing their s*** about that figure? People saw someone upload in-hand pics of that person's figure with the lipstick applied wrong. Turned out it was just a QC issue. And now these pics make me want to preorder her (instead of waiting to pick up in-store) as I need a second Ms. Frost for my display. She's giving Xtina in these pics. As far as M is concerned really hoping it's just the angle that's making her head like 1/2 the size of normal Legends heads. The box art actually uses that J. Scott Campbell art 😉
  9. They really do! Might plop that AOA Magneto head (with pigtails) on an extra blue/yellow buck and call him Joseph.
  10. Chamber looks good. And looking forward to building out that Generation X team. Between Chamber, M, and Emma from this wave (I was kinda hoping she was in her Bachalo era costume, not her Astonishing X-men one) and the Jubilee from that 3 pack, it seems like it's a good time to be a Gen X fan. Might have to use my VHS Jubes as a stand in for that Gen X shelf.
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