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  1. An updated and improved Hellfire Club boxset, Golden Age WWII featuring first appearance Cap, Bucky, Namor and the Human Torch, plus Miss America, Blazing Skull
  2. Ajh, but there's the rub: habso hasn't been handling the massive line that Marvel has; in fact the next fan stream is expected to, once again, feature yet another Spider-Man wave. Spidey, X-Men, rinse and repeat. I think another company could indeed handle the license if theyre gonna half add it like these guys. How about after this proposed Spidey wave, they do a Thor wave? Daredevil? Its been some time since we saw a dedicated Cap wave. And don't even get me started on the Hulk. There's just so many things they can choose from, but they don't.
  3. Yes, and that's what's wrong with these "writers". In these silly matchups, they only work if the writers nerf the one over the other. Its just not that entertaining.
  4. Looks great. Also it highlights an issue I've had with virtually every Captain America shield I've seen: the shield doesn't look metallic enough, compared to the armor. The reflective gleam of the suit should be something all the craftsmen use for the shield.
  5. Great points. One thing I would add is the underlying issue here is that people didn't just suddenly decide another company should take the reins. The quality, accuracy, output, distribution etc. has been hit and miss, mostly miss, and over the years, that takes a toll on collectors. Many feel that the mistakes and blunders made are easily preventable, and that basically they're not being listened to. And that's on hasbo. They're got the tools, they've got the talent. They have the most sought after IPs around, so they should respect that as such. The Marvel line (done correctly) is basically a license to print money. I don't see them losing it anytime soon, but I'd rather it not be done at all if its not going to be done right.
  6. I'd say Mattel could take over. Honestly, seen some beyond excellent craftsmanship from a number of newer companies, that easily rival hasbo's work. So its not like they're the only game in town. I'm not, however, burnt out on Marvel Legends, I'm done with just accepting sub-par work. Especially in light of the likes of Maverick, War Machine, (retro) Lizard, Heroes Return Iron Man, Rogue (Juggernaut wave) Spiral...examples of what they can do when they want to. They've done some killer work, and some killer BAFs. Which makes taking things like arm pit for hire Cage, Madame Hydra, Lockjaw, Red Widow unacceptable. The lack of attention to detail, ignoring scale, etc. And yes some are saying they "don't want to start over again", but lets be honest. When they DO come up with an improved model, don't they "start over" then? So that's just not an issue for me. Bottom line, I don't see them losing the license anytime soon, but I don't think they're the only game in town. Ease off the over use of certain characters, highlight more of what Marvel's 80 year roster has, and start being more concerned about getting the collectors what they want....and this will go a long way.
  7. I've been disappointed with hasbo's overall work on legends, so much so that they've caused me to drastically cut back my hasbo Legends buying in the last few years. I just have no use for figures that are "ok" or "close enough", not from a multi billion dollar company that's been in the biz for a hundred years and has the license to the most popular superheroes around. Having said that, I don't think they'd lose the license soon. I wouldn't shed a tear if they did. I think overall some competition would be good for them....and us.
  8. Oh my stars and garters.....that thing is gorgeous!!
  9. I like that they made an effort to try an expression with the face.
  10. Often is the case with these "exclusive" outlets, hasbo won't stop doing business like this with them, though
  11. Not enough juice for the squeeze. While the lighter blue isn't necessarily wrong, the washed-out red is. The thing that really hurts the figure is they improved it with pinless joints but then gave him two head sculpts, both of which are just "off" to me. The smiling one looks like the phony smile of a used car salesman. Perhaps if I bought it, it would grow on me, but no. A deeper blue, a more vibrant red, black "shadow" on the mask, maybe some iridescent blue to the chain mail, and a metallic glossy shield, would give us a near-perfect Captain America.
  12. Truth. They wouldn't have to do a lot to adjust that and make it work. I'd forgotten all about that one, good catch.
  13. Since the last one was a chunk of rock, there wasn't much to go on. Not much of a clue at all so it needed more context. Turned out to be huge rocks tossed by the Sentinels? Come on lol! Maybe this is some debris left over from an attack on the Baxter Building by Annihilus. Who can say.
  14. Not to mention Iron Fist's signature "Gil Kane" energy effect trail. I mean, what's with the "fireballs" they give him? Anybody remember he even had his "own" sound effect? SH-KOW!!
  15. Hey @MCUcollector24 I'm subscribed! I like your content, keep it up!
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