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darknight86 last won the day on April 16 2022

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    Marvel Legends figures/X-Men/Avengers

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  1. I can't believe that this arrived. It was delivered to my neighbor and luckily I was still at home when it was delivered to the wrong address.
  2. This Power Princess beauty arrived yesterday. This Squadron Supreme is complete!
  3. Being on the east coast, ML figures will pop up in stores last as opposed to stores on the west coast. But I saw that Robo dropped his latest video today, where he reviewed an Avengers 60th Anniversary Black Widow that he picked up. Since I was off, I decided to do a little hunting and I hit 4 Target's. Some stores only had the Elektra DD and Jessica Drew Spider Woman, another had most of that wave, The Rose, Tarantula and Miles Morales. The two other locations only had either Hawkeye or Black Widow, so I lucked out. Love those white boxes!!!!
  4. I'm very late with this post but......... I am pleased that the saying "patience is a virtue" is quite true. I have been waiting for a sale on the 60th Anniversary X-Men Villains set and figured that I would have to wait for an Amazon sale, maybe a black Friday sale. So when Hasbro Pulse had their Power Sale days, I jumped on it and also scored the Squadron Supreme 2 PK for my Avengers collection. Happy 4th of July to the community!
  5. last week I went on a Target toy hunt for the 1st time in a year and hit 4 Targets. I should have stopped after the 1st, as it had the best selection of the 4. That Target had most of the Guardians of the Galaxy wave, in multiples. Most of the Ch'od wave was there , minus Cyclops, Corsair, Emma Frost and Fang. I was really only interested in Corsair. Not picking anything up that day, I went back to the Target that was best stocked yesterday and found that the missing wave figures had been restocked. I was able to get the only Corsair there and and came across the Astonishing Ant-Man and snagged it. Is it just me or is it due to the windowless packaging, I checked the packaging to make sure the tape hasn't been tampered with and I shake the item to hear that "paper " noise inside. Am I crazy or what???
  6. I'm pretty sure that I'm in the minority but how about a Clint Barton Goliath???!!! Would there be a way to make swappable parts, so you could have either a Hank Pym Giant Man/Goliath or a Clint Barton version. For the Haslab pricing, could this be a possibility?
  7. I like Pretty boy's proportions in the pictures versus the digital renders. He has some length that I like, but I really wish he had "prettier" face and not look like Kal-El from the 90's Death of Superman.
  8. With the gas prices getting better and the news of the single release of Mojo hitting Target stores at $41.99, I decided to go on a hunt in the "wild" for the first time in months.. I hit three stores in Northern NJ and came up empty. I knew that Amazon was going to have it as of 10/1, but for $55.99???!!! I ended up falling asleep on my couch and woke up around 4AM. I figured let me check both the Target site and Amazon for availability. Still nothing on Target but Amazon had it available and if ordered I would get next day. I figured "What the hell", put it in the cart and when I was checking out, I had points that I had forgotten about with one of my cards available to use on the purchase. Those points brought my cost under $30.00. Super happy and big boi arrived today.
  9. So here's a follow up to my post from a week ago. I contacted Hasbro Pulse customer service about my disappointment with the sloppy paint job on the 20th anniversary Captain America that I received. The response was quick and rather than give me a refund, they sent a replacement free of charge. It was unexpected but very satisfying and refreshing to have them take ownership of my issue. They suggested that I donate the messy CA to a local charity, which I plan to do. I received my new 20th CA today.
  10. I received mine as well but I am very disappointed with some sloppy paint on the left bicep, where the white paint is noticeable on the blue chainmail. There is also some blue paint rub on the belt rear the buckle. We've all been g this figure and it was a real let down to see these flaws. Where's the quality control. I hope that you had better luck than I did. I may return him.
  11. If you just type Marvel or marvel legends, that will get you to them as well.👍
  12. I received mine as well and OOH LA LA, she's stunning. She is in her more traditional colors, as she when she appeared back in the 1970's Avengers, which I prefer to the previous Family Values 3-Pack version. How they painted her eyes helps to enhance this figure's face. With the hair peaking out of her head gear, its one of their top female head sculpts.
  13. Saw a NOVA at a toy show a few weeks ago and passed due to the pricing. I went to get a beverage on the way home and saw 2 NOVA's and grabbed one.
  14. Jumped on the bandwagon as the rest of you fellas and snagged a Katy on clearance from Target. I knew I would take the plunge but I just didn't know when. Thanks Marvel Legends community!!!
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