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  1. I really enjoyed the first one. I think I may have even seen it twice. Watching it a third time for the new scenes doesn't sound like a bad idea.. but still on the fence about it, with money getting tight around the holiday season. Guess if I can find a friend who hasn't seen the second one yet, that may be enough of an incentive for me to go out there and watch it again.
  2. Been so hyped for this movie ever since we saw the first trailer. I was going to wait to see it later on with my comic buddy that moved several cities away, but I couldn't wait and just got opening night tickets for this last night. Luckily, my friend was cool with watching it separately, and we will be enjoying Welcome to Marwen when I go visit. Win/Win.
  3. Not familiar with any of the Spider-Women outside of Spider-Gwen, but out of the Spider-people, I thought it was just Peter that had been sexually abused . But I think #MeToo only applies to women, so while Peter couldn't have been part of that specific movement, his Earth-1610 Spider-Woman clone would technically qualify.. right?
  4. I actually prefer the 6" version. This one has no curves at all. Her torso is just one big rectangle..
  5. Marvel Legends have spoiled me in terms of the level of articulation I expect from figures. I'll have to pass on this one, unfortunately.
  6. The 4K Cover looks amazing! I also avoided watching it in theaters due to the strong criticisms and my own perceptions of the footage I'd seen, despite my love for Venom. But renting this certainly sounds doable.
  7. Rare for me, but I'll have to say that I prefer the marvel legends version. Still looks pretty great though!
  8. I didn't think Daredevil would get the axe. Pretty disappointed.. And not at all interested in subscribing to yet another streaming service. Is Piratebay still a thing?
  9. Still not sure how I feel about this show. Some good parts, but not enough to get me all that invested in any of the characters or the story.
  10. This was my favorite look for him in the show, and I'd been wanting a figure release of it for a while. But I've never really liked cloth mixed with plastic parts for whatever reason, so this one does leave me a little disappointed. Especially because the hood is not cloth like the rest of the outfit.
  11. Looks amazing, though I'm still not too hyped for the movie. Not sure why, might be because I'm pretty unfamiliar with this character.
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