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Posts posted by Satam

  1. On 7/22/2021 at 1:25 PM, GrtWhiteCustoms said:

    If the project does not fund....can we at least get Frankie/Nova released? 

    There's still 39 days to go. It'll get funded. It might not get much higher than 14,000 backers, but if Frankie is a higher goal that they don't hit, I wouldn't be surprised to see her show up in a wave somewhere down the line or as a Walgreens exclusive or something.

  2. On 7/21/2021 at 12:06 AM, Air-Walker said:

    Man, I really hope they show some unlockables soon, because I'm already starting to lose interest. 

    Right? The high target and Galactus not being an army builder like the Sentinel are pretty clearly working against it, too. The increase in backers has slowed down. And while I'm sure the numbers are gonna jump when the 1st comes around, I doubt it will be as dramatic as Hasbro and current backers would probably hope. If they want to the want at least 14,000 backers in order to make this thing, it would be a good idea to show collectors more than what we've already seen.

  3. On 7/17/2021 at 8:38 PM, SpiderS said:

    Surprisingly for Hot Toys details aren't that sharp if you look close enough, details that should be layered are just "painted" on, or whatever is correct term with HT.

    It seems to be a very early prototype. By the time it's solicited, the photos will show more detailed tailoring. We also probably won't see this figure (this exact figure, anyway) at the Sideshow Con event this coming week.

  4. On 7/17/2021 at 7:41 AM, JohnF said:

    At this point I gotta wonder where that shield came from, or more specifically why the figures come with it since the shield wasn't in the movie. 

    It was probably in concept art or deleted scenes that Hot Toys (and Hasbro) had access to that the regular movie going audience so far has not. Also Alexei's action figure in the movie has the shield, and he also has it in Contest of Champions.

  5. On 7/9/2021 at 10:01 PM, Atlantis said:

    I still think this would've been a great project if they had made it to where Obadiah could be in the cockpit.

    That would have been incredibly difficult. Not with a whole figure, anyway. Otherwise articulation would be seriously compromised. The best Hot Toys was able to do was a partial Obadiah--torso and head. I would have loved if Hasbro had done something like that, but it would have made for a more expensive figure, too, no doubt.

  6. On 7/9/2021 at 5:53 PM, MODADDYDODOK said:

    Ehhh screw that, if theyre putting a Surfer as a tier unlock, it better be a badass 6” surfer. Not a tiny figurine just to make nonbackers happy while backers get less bang for their buck.  At least it’s a character that’s been released 2 times in the last couple years vs a new character we haven’t gotten. 

    Yep. If we get a good-sized Galactus (3 feet +) there's absolutely zero reason for tiny Heralds. Six-inch figures should be just fine.

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