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Everything posted by Satam

  1. I'd like to see Squirrel Girl, Enigma, Classic Scourge, Rogue in her X-Men Legacy costume, Madrox in his X-Factor Investigations outfit, a Bradstreet style Punisher, Peggy Carter in her blue dress and red hat from the Agent Carter tv show. That what I'd like to see, but it's not what I think we'll see. I'm guessing maybe we'll see Squirrel Girl. Maybe.
  2. They will. Give it a little time. The Disney-Fox deal still hasn't closed yet.
  3. I would not be the least bit surprised if they did that. I've been expecting that the previously cancelled Stan Lee BAF would show up as a Comic Con exclusive this year.
  4. Thanks. I can see it now. Nice job, dude.
  5. I still feel cheated out of a Legacy Rogue figure since Hasbro cancelled the one from 2012. They could make a much better one now.
  6. One of these two is probably more obscure than the other right now, but I've wanted figures of classic Scourge and Enigma for years
  7. Unearned and one movie is not enough. Also, holy crap is Sophie Turner boring as Jean. Next.
  8. Sounds like a reasonable explanation. I'd like to know why the date of my pre-order changed from May 1st to July 1st a couple days later, though.
  9. He doesn't look happy. Not sure if those are the same ones, but Tamashii Nations makes some.
  10. The one pic with the flying kick over the one SHIELD grunt's back into the other face...damn good action pose. Great pic. The others are very good, too, but that one...
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