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Everything posted by Satam

  1. This already looks so much better than the Captain Marvel movie.
  2. It's not like customizing. They can't just drill holes into the torso. Alterations to the torso require new tooling just like a brand new torso. That said, they can do that, they just clearly chose not to.
  3. There won't be wings. That would have required retooling that 12" Cap torso, and they clearly didn't do that.
  4. No problem. I think a lot of people see "Bio PET" and think "compostable," which is designed to break down on its own over a relatively short period of time, and that's not what this is.
  5. PET is the most easily recyclable and most widely recycled of all plastics. The earth isn't screwed because of action figure packaging or plastic straws or lightbulbs or whatever. There are much bigger problems.
  6. Recycled PET is essentially the same as regular PET. The Bio PET apparently is, too. As far as its structure, Bio-PET is chemically identical to virgin PET #1 plastic. This means it has all of the properties of PET including strong impact resistance, clarity and oxygen barrier properties, while withstanding temperatures up to 65°C [149°F]. In other words, Bio-PET is identical in every way to PET #1, but it’s made from 30% bio-based waste product instead.
  7. They were already using PET plastic in their packaging, and if anything, the recycled PET should be cheaper than new. During one of their last presentations to stockholders they seemed to be keenly aware that they'd hit a ceiling with price increases, and that they were actually losing sales because of it.
  8. Josh Friedman was only one of five people who contributed to the story for Avatar 2 and had nothing to do with the screenplay. Better looks at his actual work on screen are movies like War of the Worlds (2005) and The Black Dalia and television shows like Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and Snowpiercer.
  9. I thought that was because Feige and Loeb don't get along. Or do you mean the fact that Marvel Television and Marvel Studios were separate entities in the first place?
  10. The Happy Hogan body is too small. Vincent D' Onofrio is taller than Samuel L Jackson and that Kingpin figure is very clearly shorter than the Nick Fury figure. Kingpin should have a brand new body which could lead to other big characters in suits.
  11. Damn. You couldn't tell you bank that wasn't fraud? Or was it more complicated than that?
  12. Please keep the culture war nonsense out of this thread and avoid comments about wokeness , lecturing, pandering and the like. If y'all wanna talk about that kind of thing, you can take it to Facebook or Twitter. Thanks
  13. I liked Bernthal a lot as the Punisher. I didn't like the Netflix series, but I liked him.
  14. It seems we may have an accidental(?) early reveal of a brand new character.
  15. So far, sure. I really hope they don't cancel it like they did when people ordered multiple times to try to get more than two of the Target exclusive GI Joe Classified Cobra Troopers and/or Vipers a couple years ago. I can't for the life of me understand why Hasbro would give Target any army-builder-tye figure ever again after that s***.
  16. Target exclusive Tracksuit Mafia figure with three heads. Limit 2 per order (or possibly even per customer). Perfect.
  17. I'm a little confused as to whether this means that it's not going to be Noirverse Peter Parker but someone else or if they just mean it won't be the Peter Parker with whom most people are familiar. Knowing Sony, It could easily be the former.
  18. Cap Villains -Scourge of the Underworld -Sin -Porcupine -Flag Smasher -Baron Blood
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