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Air-Walker last won the day on August 21

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About Air-Walker

  • Birthday August 3

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  1. Cool buuut....I don't know man. Crystal's face isn't one of their better likenesses; I'd have expected her to look younger and spritely, much like Clea's likeness. I'm also annoyed they skimped on Lockjaw's leg articulation. I remember the reason they gave for that, but even so, better to just put it in anyway imo. Alas though....it's Crystal and Lockjaw, and at the end of they day I think I'd be happier with them than without them on my shelf 🙂
  2. THAT...is impressive! I'd be concerned about how long that silicon skin would hold over time, but even so, man...this is just a flat out work of art!!
  3. Adam Warloooooock!!! Oh man, what a massive bucket list tick-off that would be. That one alone has got me extremely happy! Shuma Gorath sounds fun, too, but all in all, sweet rumor list. Classic Adam Warlock though...let classic Gamora and Pip be close at hand as well!
  4. Ah, that's right, thanks guys; I was never a fan of the Reaper body either, so it seems these two blended into a single horror in my memories. 🙂 Any how, yes @Psychosomatic I totally agree on the classic design for Frank and the new boots. Hopefully we'll see that combo soon!
  5. Lol, thank you my fellow Northman! Yeah you're rigjht, haven't seen an issue like this since Moon Knight (that's two of him now that I;ve never seen here, but thank the Force the 80s version is mainline). And thanks for the headsup on her showing up at TrUs! A friend of mine in the prairies doesn't have access to one, but I'll be able to hunt there for him! Thanks again Bro!
  6. I would get it just for the weapons, man! Oh man they can't come out with a classic Punisher on this new body fast enough; the Hyperion body for the previous retro figure literally gets more dated by the min.
  7. Got Warbird/Ms Marvel! Ooooof, what a close one though; as Lord_Scareglow said, she was short-packed and cancelled up North, but my lads at my local Gamestop came through! (I should by them a drink, lol). Looong sigh of relief, and amazing figure!
  8. Ah, that does look nifty! I will definitely pick it up! Love the old-school colours!
  9. Rommmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!! Oh my stars and garters! I'm on cloud 9 right now, fam!
  10. The chair with Kang is cool, but yeah, easy pass for me too; the figure just previous to this is all I need for him. Sentinels, same; very cool but pass. Buuuuut....I'd eat these up in more classic colours.
  11. Looks fantastic, but boy is she tiny! I actually prefer the more statuesque proportions of the Moonstone buck, tbh, but this is still glorious. I like that they went with flesh toned plastic for the legs and then painting black over it, instead of the reverse ala the previous version. Definitely going with the more sultry expressioned/ 80s hair headsculpt on mine! And man, given the comparison pics, how I would love to see Scarlet Witch on an updated body too!
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