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  1. All I want is Mk 85 Iron Man. My favorite film suit since the first movie.
  2. My question with this figure is, how accurate is it to the movie? I can't find any good movie stills of Rescue.
  3. Hey if it means I get to finally see it in IMAX, fine with me.
  4. Absolutely love Hulk/Banner's character in Endgame. Don't so much love any of his costume designs, not enough to buy a figure of it anyway.
  5. The light in this is phenomenal, truly what makes it.
  6. This was one hell of a bomb they just dropped on us! No prior teases or announcements, just BAM! Preorders! I kinda wish they'd do that more often...
  7. Hooray, another chance! Best of luck all.
  8. Pros: Thank goodness I don't have to pay for that lame-ass Wolverine to get me a good comic Hulk! Cons: Now instead of paying $40 for two figures, I'll be paying $5 less for 1... wow...
  9. That Homecoming Spidey is weirding me out, with the collar area... Idk, I usually just can't get down with the cloth goods on Mezcos. Still it's good that someone out there is giving that a shot, because when it works it REALLY works.
  10. Obviously there's a ton I'm pumped for, Nightcrawler is a big one. But the most important to me is probably Alex Ross Iron Man. I've been longing for a (good) classic Iron Man since I started collecting. Decades ago, my dad got the Toy Biz Iron Man (the one with the Doom comic book), it was my first real action figure and I absolutely loved it. It was the reason I ever knew who Iron Man was, and I played with that thing to death lol. Years later I re-discovered Legends by looking that figure up. So have this thing in my adult collection will bring it all full circle.
  12. The thing that I just don't get about the Iron Doom is, as far as I saw it was teased as a Doom figure. So like, obviously it'd be a classic Doom, to go with our Classic FF. Right?? Why do anything other than that?? Hell they didn't release any bs modern versions of the FF before these. Just seems kinda uncool to pull this when literally everyone was expecting a classic figure. Idk
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