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  1. Well good thing I have the old Watcher figure , I think it was a diamond select or Disney I can’t remember, these All clearly are a pass for me, maybe if the Thor is cool I’ll pick up , I’m more excited to see if we get that Zombie Cap!!!! Now if they did all Zombies I’m in....
  2. I wish when they are going to announce something then it gets put up for more order- that it would go up for preorder on a weekend!!!!!’ Most of us have to work threw the week and can’t use our phone at work at least until lunch in the afternoon......the announcements are great keep them coming ....or being a member of Hasbro Paulse ( haslab crowd fumder) I was able to preorder a sentinel so I feel those of us that contributed should definitely get a chance at the box set , which I definitely want.....
  3. Captain America is my favorite and I will be getting 2 of these . At least they are trying new things and pumping out good stuff except for the Stupid looking Hulk BAF in the newest Avengers wave , still at least they are giving us new things
  4. OMG I was totally ready to explode I was almost loosing my mind.... Good one mate.....
  5. Love what Jay C does, and I love the site, collecting figures really brings joy to me since everything else around is going down the crapper, at least in this world I can do, be, and go where ever I want to and have no serious consequences and I can conjure up anything ... have fun guys and stay true and good luck to everyone
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