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  1. nice to see clint giving archery lessons again. thought he might be apprehensive after Endgame.
  2. It'd be great if we could get a rerelease of Rogue with a head sculpt closer to her animated look, she never had those Ninja Turtle like bandannas coming off her headband in the show. We got that 3 pack coming with Cyke and Jean Grey using looks from the show, so who knows.
  3. Wow, wish there was more like this out there from the ps4 game. Especially, from hasbro, figuarts are little small scale.
  4. Legends has the better face sculpt, for a cheaper price point, too. SH Figuarts has really been slipping lately with likenesses.
  5. Is that the Select Rogue head on the Legends body? Looks good. Can't believe Hasbro keeps getting Rogue's hair wrong.
  6. Ebony Maw is actually about a head or two taller than Proxima Midnight. He's also significantly taller than Loki (I'm eyeballing this, pulled up the opening scene of IW on Netflix to check.)
  7. Why does the single packed Endgame Cap figure come with a generic comic book Cap head sculpt? Did they lose the Evans likeness rights that fast?
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