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Everything posted by Darth_Primus

  1. The Super Skrull is a character that I was always fascinated with because he had all the powers of the Fantastic Four. I just thought it was a cool concept for a character. I think I remember reading somewhere that he might be a Walgreens exclusive, which wouldn't be a surprise since that's where most of the F4 related figures were sold.
  2. I really dislike toy hunting, especially in my neck of the woods because typically all I return with is frustration, aggravation and a car with less fuel. Therefore, I'm so thankful for online retailers and pre-ordering. Much respect to all you toy hunters out there still grinding. I've always wondered if there's a better time of day for toy hunting. When I did it, it seemed like when a store would open would be the best time. I'm not sure if that's still the case. By the time I get off work, I feel there's very little opportunity to find the latest wave of anything.
  3. My favorite female Marvel Legends female figure is the Carol Danvers, Ms. Marvel Warbird version.
  4. I'd like an Endgame "The Dude" Thor. I wouldn't mind a three pack of Hulk, Rocket and Thor in their Quantum suits, since those figures have yet to be been seen. Non-MCU figures, perhaps a Brother Hood of Evil mutants three pack like Blob, Pyro and Toad. Or some students from the school like Kid Omega, Kid Gladiator and Rockslide. Or better yet, a 3 pack of the Stepford Cuckoos.
  5. I'm like the Hulk figure, but I was hoping for more jaw dropping for a SDCC exclusive. I'd love a Endgame "Dude" Thor.
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