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Gigantor last won the day on November 7 2021

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  1. I've got 2 HAND Ninjas but was never satisfied with the unremovable cowl that Hasbro slapped on him and I prefer the classic un-cowled Ninja myself so I utilized the Death Dealer & Movie SS heads for my modified HAND Ninjas. And Wolvy is not having a good day at the hands of the HAND!
  2. Dunno bout that. Otherwise, we woulda had classic Sentinels a while ago. Classic Mandroids would have to be max of 8'-9' tall, Hasbro is always using the "large figs take shelf space " excuse card so I think the only way we'd get these "deluxe" figs would be via Hasbro Pulse ,Amazon, EE, etc. Speaking of deluxe, Hasbro needs to redo classic Sasquatch at an actual 10 inch scale being as he's a 10 footer in the comics, with alternate snarling/yelling head sculpt, open claw raking hands , grabbing hands & fists!
  3. Only "enforcer" type they need to throw in for SHIELD are the classic Mandroids with a removable helmet that then you can pop on a SHIELD grunt head. Either release them as a deluxe package with a Dum Dum Duggan or as a BAF in an Avengers wave.
  4. Saying it's better than the other 2 MCU movies isn't really saying much. I'll give this a Redbox rental in a month or 2.
  5. Damn, did they screw up on the hgt scale of the Hul... I mean Thing. maybe one day Hasbro will give us a scale accurate classic Perez/Byrne Thing.
  6. And now Disney will have an excuse card for why movie didn't fare well at the box office.
  7. Another crap creation of the 90s. War Machine was the best character creation of that era imo.
  8. classic Starjammers, IG & Squadron Supreme core members are all long over due & perfect to include in future X-Men & Avengers waves, sick of numerous redos of X-Men members that they've already pretty much depleted the well of when it comes to various outfits that they have worn over the decades. Make a Starjammers box set ala the Alpha Flight boxset & start sprinkling in the Imperial Guard members in X-waves, including Gladiator on the retro Herc buck with alternate head sculpt with eye slots for his laser eye beams.
  9. Ang Lee's Hulk, & the recent FF debacle are saying , "Thank you Eternals"!
  10. Hopefully this falls in the black Friday bin for $10.
  11. Perez Beast buck has to be smaller than Lee Beast Buck but slightly bigger than Jackal buck and by bigger I don't mean in hgt, I mean in build. Should be no taller than Jackal buck. Be nice to see him pop up in an Avengers classic wave.
  12. I'll check it out on Redbox in January or February with my 75 cent rental code. Bout all it's worth.
  13. Hasbro will be scraping the barrel with this future figure.
  14. That's if Hasbro pulse is gonna re-release these and Skrull grunts again. I need both as well.
  15. You nailed it 100% The Sons of the Dragon & White Tiger Hector Ayala are characters created in the 70s who are of diversity and different ethnic backgrounds, but Marvel would rather let them gather dust & cobwebs in the basement & just go the lazy route by changing the gender/race of well known established characters & then expect fans of those characters to be content & happy & continue buying that comic cuz if they don't, they're the problem. And yeah, Manga outsells Marvel/DC combined cuz they write stories about good guys fighting bad guys & leave the BS out of their stories. I use to buy comics as a kid to escape reality, not read about who sleeps with who & who's LGBTQXYZ, I could give a rats ass about any characters sexuality. I get a kick outta that ignorant writer who a few yrs ago said, "if you don't like my politics, don't read my comic", she was soon outta work after that. Marvel now hires untalented writer based on their gender/race/politics & not their writing talents. Go woke, go broke.
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