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    Minimates, Marvel Legends, Cupcakes & Roller Skating.

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  1. Not a single female character in the headline acts. Cool...
  2. I love that they've included a little baby Nathan accessory. Can't wait to pick these up.
  3. Wasn't a skull like this in the promo images for the Goblin Queen figure that was part of the Engine of Vengeance campaign? It feels pretty on brand for Hasbro to release a comic version of a character shortly after convincing a bunch of folks to cave and buy the animation style '97 version, no?
  4. Man, there are quite a few jr set slated for this year! I hope we see a few more sets aimed at AFOLs in the coming months.
  5. WHAT is going on with Wolf Man's face?!?! FFS! Please stop giving work to Greg Land. The guy is a HACK!
  6. Not sure how I feel about this one. LOVE that the X-Men are *FINALLY* coming back to Lego after a years long hiatus, but the price of this set is pretty steep. The Bowie (76255) was $99.99 for 1018 pieces. This is $84.99 for 359. At 1/3 the bricks, that's more than double the price per brick. Ouch.
  7. I'm glad we're finally seeing Lilandra get released after the head tease years ago. I am curious to see what the actual figure will look like. I'll be a little disappointed if this is what the final product looks like: the sculpted line work vs the painted lines looks a bit jarring. In fact, the painted line work looks straight up janky. Still - It's nice to see the Cosmic side of X-Men get a little love recently with the Ch'od wave and now this. Here's hoping Hasbro flesh out the Shi'ar family, Imperial Guard and Starjammers a little more in the coming year.
  8. Kinda hoping this series undoes whatever MCU-related stupidity lead to them "not really" being mutants for the sake of cinema profits.
  9. A curious lack of Phoenix effects shown for Jean at this stage. I'm curious to see what kind of firebird power flares she comes with as that'll heavily impact my decision on whether or not to buy her.
  10. Great shot, DenXMedia. I've had some trouble posing Rictor in my display, but you've made this look really natural.
  11. Brilliant stuff. I follow Woof on Instagram and I sincerely hope Hasbro are watching, because his character choices and execution are both top notch!
  12. DST made a Minimate of her that was pretty cool. She may have also had a HeroClix at some stage? But as far as articulated figures go, it was just the ToyFair exclusive mail away and the Minimate, I think.
  13. The ToyBiz figure looks GLORIOUS. Unfortunately, the rising cost of plastic means that this wave had some serious cut backs. There was meant to be a series of unarticulated X-Babies and Mighty 'Vengers included as pack-ins. They got cut, and Mojo was downscaled in size. It's a shame, because if the Toybiz figure had been made at the right scale, I'd still be using it now. This update is good. It seems like this paint job is based off the ToyBiz BAF (Brighter yellow and liver spots), while the single release is based off the old ToyBiz 5" line (paler yellow, and less detail). I'll be getting the MojoWorld version, but i feel like the metal base and tail could use a little extra detail. Maybe a wash or some dry brushing.
  14. Love that we're getting so many new characters in this wave that we haven't seen before!
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