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Everything posted by Bluecomet

  1. Thanks 🙏 I try to improve in every video and give something a bit different. 💯 agree that if Hasbro used the gorgeous Jean head from TRU it would be better. I recently found out that the smiling Jean is a update of the 5 inch toybiz Jean. Cheers and have a good weekend.
  2. That is a good head swap as well. I don't have retro black widow like yours. I'll try the MJ from retro gwen stacy. Cheers
  3. Nicer bright red colors for this one. No new accessories I guess
  4. You are welcome, thanks for the question as it reminded me what I skipped doing in the full review Cheers
  5. Thanks, unfortunately I don't collect Jada Toys Monsters. Was not aware they make those, thanks for letting me know.
  6. Nice. I did the kitbash, see link in my prior reply to since83
  7. Totally agree, probably because NECA make the classic monsters?
  8. Morlun is one vampire I forgot. I'll make a short video of that headswap with a shoutout to you and marvelousnews
  9. Thanks. I wonder if it is better if Hasbro made the shoulder pads sculpted instead of a separate piece. cheers
  10. Congrats @Zombiesnstuff, good luck everyone. Cheers
  11. I counted 4 Peter Parkers on packaging including Gwen..funny way of releasing the promo
  12. It be nice to get new characters, a lot is still missing. Hasbro tends to play safe and put a recognisable and popular character in a wave. Thanks
  13. I surprisingly liked it too. My first impression was it's another repaint. After getting the figure in hand, I appreciate the translucent cape which represents black winter's smoke like cape. Thanks for the comments and checking the review.
  14. Something odd with Laura's costume. It's like she went to the met gala with that piece on her shoulders..maybe it's the new shoulder pads for this era
  15. Follow him in IG...best Jean Grey customs too
  16. Finally.. been waiting for a Rogue with cloth goods, alternate heads and accessories
  17. The white teeth is ok with you? I received youtube feedback of collectors not happy with the pearly white teeth...they also say white teeth is venom and not carnage.
  18. Only 3 pages in that comic book. In other issues (1st appearance Binary), Wolverine got infected but did not fully transform to what the figure looks like.
  19. Now I noticed..Interesting how the art in the retro card (and show) does not make her that porcelain...hasbro may have over done it
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