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sentinelofliberty41 last won the day on April 30 2021

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  1. Everything the reviewer said is why this figure isn't even on my radar. I would love a US Agent as Marc Gruenwald's Cap run is my favorite and this was an epic part of that run but John is bigger and taller than Cap. This could have been great but fell way short. Oh well, maybe in another 10 years.
  2. I just wish this set would come out already. The more images/video I see of it the more I want it in hand. November seems like forever away.
  3. Amazon...please don't randomly cancel this preorder. God I'm stoked for this set.
  4. All it would take for me to be all in on this line is a knee joint and a couple bucks cheaper (that'll never happen.) I'd love to have elbows too but knees would put them at the same articulation level as the 90s Marvel Superheroes line which is why I got into toys as a kid. That would get my nostalgia going way more than this. Moon Knight does look cool though.
  5. I don't know what it is about the look of this thing but it just doesn't look like old school Sabretooth. I'll stick with the Apocalypse one.
  6. I couldn't agree more. Sleeper had one of the most interesting designs for a symbiote. This is just weird looking.
  7. I bought and watched the other two films so I'll at least pick it up when it drops on bluray eventually. It's not a movie I'll trudge out to a theater to see (no movie is anymore. ) I really dug the first movie and the second had some cool visuals but was a huge mess.
  8. And that's why the Knull/Venom 2 Pack is my last Legends purchase. I get it but since my pay is staying the same while Legends increase' I have to back out. It's been fun though.
  9. I'm pretty pumped for this and what's to come. That interior work is absolutely beautiful. I'm not crazy about Steve's weird collar but it's a minor issue. can't wait to check this out.
  10. Quite a few reveals for me here. I'm definitely getting that Rhino, Madam Hydra to replace the hideous original one. US Agent is a must and I'll likely get 2 of Quake to try and make a Sharon Carter and Maria Hill to put with my Fury and Dum Dum. Great reveals today for sure.
  11. I'm looking forward to this tomorrow. The Hawkeye on the bottom gives me hope that we might get a better version of him and if it does in fact have the skycycle, I'll put that with one of my Cap figures since he rode one too. Maybe since Jigsaw is there too we'll get more info on the second villains wave. Should be a good show tomorrow.
  12. This right here. I know they're more decoration than toy so if they were a lower price point I'd grab a bunch and slap them all over my office. Its the same reason I don't collect anything from the ReAction line. Just too high for pretty art and a figure that isn't meant to be played with.
  13. I was just about to post this. The paint beneath his nose is really odd, otherwise this is a great headsculpt. I really like these and think Hasbro did a great job but the lack of wings for Sam shows me Hasbro cheaped out like usual. They know the wings are essential, they just didn't want to push the cost/pricing. I don't collect MCU but I will say complaints aside I could definitely see why someone would pick these up even without the wings.
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