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  1. I think this would be very cool. When he posted that on IG I started imagining what Marvel figures from him would look like. I think Spidey would definitely get as much love as the MK 11 Spawn same with Wolverine.
  2. The only reason I'm interested in the movie is because of Anya Taylor-Joy as Magik. They should just put it on Hulu or plus.
  3. I don't collect Pops but this is one that would tempt me if I saw it in person though.
  4. Not really how I meant it. If Overwatch a not so popular brand got effects and extra hands on pretty much all of their figures. Marvel Legends can do it way better because of the brand name and power of the property.
  5. Absolutely Overwatch figures all came with effects and hands. I'd love that with Marvel Legends.
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