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  1. I like the team on Rogue...I wonder if it would have ties to Gambit. Both seem like odd choices...but a cosmic heist? It does sound intriguing. I loved the 1st Gambit regular series, where thievery was (at least at the beginning) was the theme of the book.
  2. Maddie looks more like the Black Queen than the Goblin Queen, but I get why. Looking forward to set 2 with Havok in the same outfit, S'ym, topless Colossus, Sabertooth, and...um...evil Longshot or Dazzler (with Demon mailbox).
  3. This actually kinda excites me. I always felt like we were just TOLD Rogue and Magneto had a wild adventure and passionate affair, but we're never SHOWN it. I never really bought that they had a relationship, because I only ever saw the aftermath. Now I'll get to see the whole story!
  4. Husk? HUSK?!? Let's effin' go! Back in the day, I wanted to try to make own, using Plastic Dip to simulate her ripping off her skin. I really, really hope she has a variant head to replicate this:
  5. I love that the Logan version of Hellverine was popular enough to make a figure, but that before this figure even comes out, a new character is the ongoing Hellverine...
  6. I like the Spidey one, as he looked like that a LOT in the comics when using his spidey-sense, but as for the others...
  7. It seems bloody and violent just 'cause. Was there any need for all that? It's blood and gore just for blood and gore's sake, and I can't stand that. An easy pass. I'd rather a Spider-Man movie with Kraven hunting him than this environmentalist origin story. Sure, it'd be the same as every other Spider-Man movie, but there's a reason the character has been around for 60 years.
  8. Wow, uh, this really surprises me. The bombs are cool and all, but I'm really surprised Hasbro is ok with selling pretend bombs. Remember that Bomb Defuser game a few years back that got recalled?
  9. That unmasked face looks soooo good. For a second, I thought it was a digibash with Hugh's face edited in, as opposed to just a pic of the toy. Here's hoping the final release looks that good. I've been disappointed before (RoC Roadblock did NOT look like Dwayne Johnson)
  10. Amazing. However, I'll wait for the Sabretooth duel pack, complete with removable swords stuck through the figure.
  11. Sorry, I was just thinking the cuffs of the gauntlets. Might be best just to replace the whole arm with like a Colossus arm or something. If the pegs in the shoulders are the same size, you're golden (heat and pop) but if not, you may have to crack the body to get the whole shoulder joint out. I had to do that to add the Power Man legs to Beast's body for Quark. If you're careful you can do it without leaving marks, and then glue it back together. Honestly though? Some of these techniques take practice. I would maybe suggest not working on your holy grail figure first...find some cheap action figures at a flea market or something to practice on.
  12. Jin Saotome's Dangerous Toys has lots of tutorials for just this type of thing. I'd suggest some form of Aves Sculpy.or other modellimg clay for the gauntlets and possibly tunic. As for the boots, depending on where the joints are, I would probably cut off the lizard feet at about mid-calf, do the same with some boots from a fodder figure, and reattch them. Jin has a tutorial for making a swivel joint with a screw and a dremel if the existing joints don't allow for reattaching. Good luck! Sometimes customising is the only way to get those obscure characyers. I had to make a Quark (from Lomgshot) out of a Power Man, Stealth Beast, and a dollar store goat, as I knew Hasbro never would.
  13. I never noticed how similar Shiar Xavier looks to Krakoa Xavier until now...
  14. Is it just me, or does his right arm look shorter than the left? Maybe it's bent at the elbow or something, but it almost looks anatomically incorrect...or in other words, Liefeld accurate.
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