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About RoMe00150

  • Birthday 10/10/1998

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    Saint John, New Brunswick
  • Interests
    Most things nerdy

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  1. Wasn't this what Venom-Verse was for? Never been really a fan of just taking a hero and slapping Venom on it
  2. Anyone have a Amazon.ca link?
  3. Jack and scarlet for me looks like a good upgrade
  4. Gotta love how they shoehorn in Jessica into these Spider-Events when the connection is minor at best. Even if this premise is slightly interesting it's Zeb Wells so we all know it's gonna be awful editorial character assassination
  5. Dang I'd really like this but I just bought the Giant Man Toybiz baf for $150 a few weeks back. Maybe I can make some room? The backing period ends on my birthday so it feels like a sign
  6. Let's hope they can keep them in stock for once. I've missed out on every army builder and I'll have to pay outrageous prices
  7. So it looks like Mackay's run is ending? To be surely followed by a shiny new #1 with a new writer since that's all Mavrel does now. Oh and they'll announce all of this before the story is over removing all tension
  8. Hmm that Sentinel is growing on me. A nice way cheaper alternative than paying an arm and leg for the DoFP and BAF one
  9. Lord this run blows. Does everyone of Peter's supporting cast need powers at some point
  10. All I got from this is that Russell Crowe would be a good Kraven, has the look, and the accent
  11. Same, at least it's been shoved off into annuals so I can ignore it. I wonder at what point do the writers of the movies get a writing credit for the Comics
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