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JohnF last won the day on October 25

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  1. Well, after all these years I might finally get this Captain America.
  2. This looks great and the hair sculpt is awesome. I also just noticed the X on the belt.
  3. I really like all the different expressions, but that just doesn't look like Hugh Jackman. The claws on some of the hands also look terrible, they could've done better for their promotional images.
  4. Yeah, same here.
  5. Seeing more of Red Hulk in this trailer made me think twice about getting that figure they revealed. It's just a generic Red Hulk figure.
  6. I thought his appearance in the movie was something similar to John Krasinski's Mr Fantastic cameo. A one off deal just for fan service. That being said, I don't have that big of a problem with him being Gambit from now on, but to get his own movie...don't really see why. Just put him in the X Men movies.
  7. Yup, no resemblance to Harrison Ford for the Red Hulk..
  8. Oh man I wasn't expecting to see a Red Hulk figure today as well. I'm glad it's a deluxe figure and not the BAF of a wave, makes it easier to get. I'm not sure about the likeness, though. Have to get a better look first.
  9. Looks good, I like the darker colours but I'm fine with the D+ one I already got.
  10. And he finally got back to looking like an Asgardian.
  11. I really want a figure of this final version of Loki.
  12. The most interesting thing at this point would be an Eddie Brock figure. What difference will this Venom have from the previous anyway?
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