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Everything posted by Fetisone

  1. Holy! That's so cool, loving the accessories, so many pumpkins!
  2. Supaidaman is a must geeet🔥
  3. Really Awesome headsculpt!
  4. Whoa! Victor looking crazy!!!
  5. It's great for people who missed out on the OG's. And legacy idea sounds really good, they can even improve the 1st releases.
  6. The sculpt looks awesome! Waiting for Mr. Knight.
  7. Whoa, Erik looks powerful!
  8. Exciting stuff! As long as they won't make it fully kid friendly..
  9. Would love to get an updated "suit" body with more articulation. Mr. Knight would be perfect for this.
  10. This is incredible! Great work!
  11. Incredible accessories on Tony, both these figures look awesome.
  12. Speedball, Legolas Thor, Army builder Quake and obviously Rhino r my favs.
  13. Looks sooo retro, love it!
  14. Looks awesome! Great accessories! Only gripe is weird looking legs, the knees kinda too low..
  15. Very surprising indeed! Revealed even earlier than No Way Home stuff. Looks promising.
  16. Hopefully they will show D+ Moon Knight(although personally more excited about his Mr. Knight classic white suit version, but that's for the future stuff). And maybe they'll will give us Iron Spidey pre-order date. ps. But of course, seeing the long-awaited Toad would be the cherry on top.
  17. This show is gonna be🔥🔥🔥
  18. Hyped! Excited to see the Illuminati. Live action Cap Carter is gonna be there too. Sam Raimi's visual is incredible!
  19. 🤯 Great paint job!
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