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Everything posted by MODADDYDODOK

  1. Yeah I guess so. I’ll be a little surprised if there are no body updates when they get around to Cyclops though.
  2. This retro wave team was a cheapo mess imo and I LOVE the Byrne suits so it was pretty darn upsetting to see how they turned out. But with the way things are going, I’m not enthused about waiting years to complete the team (again) so am hoping they do a classic multipack on the next go around with more effort put into them this time. Main thing I’d like to see though is a red hot, opaque Human Torch just like on the pages. Can’t help but think that version was/is intended to be released second bc it’s just gotta be better looking than what we got and you know how they love to save better for next. A stretched out Reed update would be lovely as well, whether it be a deluxe or even potentially a baf. But ya so much possible goodness they can tap into if they keep on busting out F4 waves, singles, etc.
  3. The body choice is the very reason why I waved this figure goodbye as it passed. I love Binary but I wasn’t gonna buy her just bc of the fact that she was made. But other than that, she does look good paint wise 🤷‍♂️. just over this buck, man… it’s annoying.
  4. Didn’t get a chance to open mine yet as it showed up when I was leaving town. But it looks pretty sweet. The paints and stuff look a lot better in hand vs the light shining all over this review.
  5. I do like the way this one turned out; just waiting on the price to be shaved down a bit before making any decision. Thunderclap would be awesome indeed. Even better if it’s featured on the undies Hulk I’m badly hoping they’ll do.
  6. Factsss. An (opaque) android Human Torch, Whizzer and a Bucky update are HUGE wants of mine at this point.
  7. Is it beneath him to get a check for saying 3 words repeatedly or something? Ha. All I wonder about Groot is if he will ever be featured as an adult again.
  8. Saw all of the Love & Thunder wave at Walmart yesterday, in central TX
  9. The one thing I like about this line are the classic paint apps. This Nova and Moon Knight, for example, look better than their 6” figures imo.
  10. Whatever just please scrap the whole love story bullcrap.
  11. Nice list. So many legendary teams out there. Besides the first X-Factor team, the Starjammers have been my most wanted for a long, long time. As for baddies, I’d have to go with the U-Foes.
  12. @bashpics99yup I went straight for 20A Cap and Hulk but they were gone by the time I caught wind of the.. sale. But whatever, just gonna keep waiting around to see if those hit a discount/promo elsewhere. 🤷‍♂️
  13. Besides lacking in height, the Sunfire buck just doesn’t have the broad shoulders and lats like I imagine classic Daredevil having (& many others characters for that matter) so I’d go with the Vulcan mold for this one... if we are to use the current catalogue.
  14. Well I was late to this party but Pulse is having the best sale I’ve ever seen. 40% off on $75+
  15. The ML guys are certainly no strangers to making plain costumes look extra plain but I do like the colors here. I reckon he’d look better with a wash or something.
  16. Controllerrrrrrrr. Pretty awesome. Won’t be buying any of these turds just to build him though, except maybe Speedball at discount. What about Ulik?
  17. Interesting. I want Ketch more than any but I’d be pretty happy to get Johnny in his 90s glory
  18. They probably used this image as reference to those hoppers. But yea toe joints would’ve been cool.
  19. Oh man, I cannot flippin WAIT to get this one. The classic head piece included is a dream come true (for me).
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