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Everything posted by MODADDYDODOK

  1. BBTS has the new Rhino in stock as of right now Edit: Oop went out of stock in a couple minutes
  2. Wow neato. This is more or less the turnout that I daydreamed of for a GG figure in the Riders line.
  3. So Rektangular has been right about the 20th anniversary stuff so far, yeah? Assuming the “unknown Spider-Man” was Bag-Man, that would leave us left with: Apocalypse Beast Scorpion and another Captain America
  4. Ya that’s a big miss — definitely should’ve used that body or even the Odinson mold would’ve been better than this. And also not a fan of the torso deco being a straight up rectangle vs the classic trapezoid shape.
  5. I mean I can see them still doing it but those straps are up too high to be for Cyclops, no?
  6. Just scooped up ol’ Billy Russo at Walgreen’s omw home. (Ship to store)
  7. Dang looks like a pass for me. The regular head doesn’t look like Morph to me at all. But on the upside, those legs look nice.
  8. Yep all those were heartbreaking for me hah. I definitely don’t mean they should RuSh her out without the attention she needs. I’m just more eager and hoping she has been in the worx by now. I generally want all the legends done correctly so in no way do I disagree with ur last statement heh.
  9. Im good with just Air-Walker and a better Terrax. I wouldn’t say no to Surfer on a bigger, better buck either. The sunfire mold is getting on my daggum nerves with these bigger characters.
  10. I think it’s kinda cruddy that a lot of people have been wanting Morph for so long only to see him show up with the toon shading but.. whatever. Hope he turns out good. I know Iceman wasn’t a prominent character in the show but that is like the only one I can imagine myself getting from this collection.
  11. @Dodge76 Ya totally. That’s why I say get that ball rolling — give us that woman sooner rather than years and price hikes later.
  12. Wait so I had a hard time telling but those *are* the KB legs on Dazzler again?? I’m gonna cry.
  13. For the price, probably one ha. Surely he’ll get this alternative at least But I wouldn’t be surprised if they just use the jacket arms.
  14. Ohhh what to do, what to do. On one hand, I wanna reserve it. The other, I wanna see about trading off an A-Force set for it or something good I got sitting in darkness. Looks like I need to decide soon though! I wouldn’t be opposed to that X baby idea. I always imagined they could release them like, for example, those Roblox cube figures except not a mystery buy. I can see little kiddos being into them.
  15. I like it as long as he keep the shades on ha. His noggin looks huge. Are these arms and torso from anything else or are they new parts?
  16. Neither one is a character I need or really care for but that Maria Hill head sculpt looks awesome.
  17. Ya I couldn’t get the site to ship to store, but I could with the app. Freakin Walgreens
  18. I’m still stuck in hesitation mode on ordering this Mojo set. Could take the price in easier if they added a few actual X babies instead of this 1 kids meal Wolverine but.. whatever. And really hope they got the ball rollin on Spiral now. I can see them giving her the build-a-figure treatment this time but gosh I hope not.
  19. Cool. Surprised I was able to get one shipped to store. And used a whole dollar in rewards money woot woot 😄
  20. Yesssss Mojo reveal baby! Had my fingers crossed for this one. I love Dazzler so I’m actually quite surprised and pleased they made her again as this is the very look I’ve always wanted for her ML figure. And she actually sported both looks on the Outback team.
  21. Maybe some more 20th anniversary stuff. Or next Walgreens figure. Or deluxe Mojo. 🤞🏻
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