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Everything posted by MODADDYDODOK

  1. The neck deco on classic Havok has been off and (mostly) on so that’s one thing, but that chest deco with blue hue is more a modern take rather than a retro look. Still a good looking figure and all but I’d say my gripe with this one is this gray head dress.
  2. After trying to watch it, this doesn’t really come as shocking news anyway.
  3. Yes and yes but for what it’s worth, I’d love to get this team in their classic comic appearances as well. And then some.
  4. Such a great classic but still hella annoyed every time I look at or mess with him. Keep telling myself I’ll paint the head.. someday. I saved this image from a collector who shared this a while back. So good.
  5. I dig it. The face-off 2pack (variant?) was one of my favorites from the toybiz days so this is gonna be a fun update to scoop up. Would really like if they tackled that FA lookin Punisher as well. Loved that one.
  6. Not much of a MCU collector but Cap in his stealth suit has always been my favorite costume from the movies so that’d be cool to see updated.
  7. It’s about dadgum time they give this guy a single card. Will be waiting around to hopefully find him at discount but looking forward to getting him either way.
  8. Really wish he had a fighting expression on his face. Still like it though. Hope somebody marks him down eventually.
  9. I feel like the possibilities of this happening are super duper likely. And would be extremely hard for me to say no to.
  10. As if I weren’t cherry picking hard enough already🙄. I’ve kept my shrinking focus on key classics after all these changing price tags (which has been very slow activity for me) but this news is just making it easier on deciding whether to abandon this ship altogether. I can see myself calling it quits once I get that retro Lizard, but we’ll see how things go..
  11. Very surprised they added that oldies head sculpt to Lizard. Sooo good, love it. Really liking the pinless Spideys too. Gotta say though, not diggin the new packaging they got going on.
  12. Pretty sure if there were 3 different Galactus heads, there would’ve been hell raised over the same helmet being on all 3.
  13. Just another lazy, overpriced rerelease in the “aNiMaTeD” collection. No surprise there.
  14. Nooooooooooooo I missed this. An exclusive, classic, LEGENDary Helmut Zemo?! C’mon! 🙂
  15. It doesn’t surprise me they didn’t put that angle on his chest deco 🙄. And the head sculpt on the last figure was better than this, imo. Now I’m just wondering if he’ll even have a star on his back.
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