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Everything posted by MODADDYDODOK

  1. Now’s the time they should do it with all these cool mullets everyone has these days. 😄
  2. Looks great but DANG look at them thighs! 💪 Cant wait. Anxious to see what price he’s locked behind lol 🤦‍♂️
  3. Ya I love me some classic Cap. The shield doesn’t really bother me (I actually like it, tbh) bc I got a ziplock bag full of different Cap shields anyway. I’m just hoping there’ll be an abundance of these so I can find him at a discount eventually bc these are some crackhead prices and everyone knows it!! 😄 On another note, why aren’t we seeing the back of the card? Is Toad on there?👀
  4. Yea I’m lovin it but for what it is, I will not succumb to the msrp. Not anytime soon anyway 😄
  5. Would be cooler if they included a head with a frightened expression. These smiles do nothing for me in the way that I’d like to display them.
  6. Found retro Shocker at my Target this morning. Stoked to finally get this guy. Apparently there was a full case of Symbiote Spideys in the back but my help couldn’t locate them. edit: Found & got SSM a couple days later, same store.
  7. Who is Ethan Hawke suppose to be? He got that Mad Thinker hair-do going on.
  8. Ya I guess I’m just use to the collar as I remember him drawn with it more so than not. But it is what it is; still lookin killer if I must say so myself.👍
  9. Ahh I didn’t see this from before but yes we definitely share the same frustration hah
  10. Sabretooth is lookin big weird to me still, but I agree on Havok — his design is plenty basic so I wonder why they’d not bother adding that simple neck deco.🤷‍♂️ It would’ve looked truly classic then.
  11. In that way, I’m kinda glad they haven’t put out a whole lot of females yet bc watching many of them get put on the Kate Bishop mold has not been fun to me ha.
  12. Well I dig the head sculpts and the wand of watoomb but I didn’t like this cheap looking cloak the first time and now they’ve modified it to be pegged/glued into his chest… awesome 🙄. And they threw in the same spell effects and added the axe of ooga booga that I’d probably never have him wielding anyway. And it was no accident they painted the chest pattern incorrect. Just looks like an excuse to rerelease a better more accurate version later on. Wouldn’t say it looks horrible but just wish they’d put more pride into their work with these classics we’ve waited a long time time for, man. Especially with these higher prices.
  13. Just a random Spidey wave I thought would be awesome
  14. I could appreciate a Throg pack-in, especially after him being teased all those years ago. But I NEED a Simonson Loki 🙂
  15. I love the Vision as much as the next person and indeed wanted a white [Byrne] update but this right here just..
  16. The big head + hair fail were the major part of it, but I also really disliked the pearl color parts when they should’ve simply went with white there. And his top is supposed to sit like a shirt; not cover up his whole neck. But anyway, if they indeed do the green suit, I kinda hope it’s the green on green.
  17. Colors look better for sure but I agree, the reaper mold just doesn’t fit right with him. This dude is gonna need new parts (like the torso and feet) or a dedicated sculpt altogether if he is gonna look right.
  18. Well after that ugly 3pk version, the community has been saying since that she needed a repaint and now it’s here so it was only a matter of time. Anyhow, this will be my first Scarlet Witch in Hasbro legends so I’m pretty happy for it. I didn’t like or get that Quicksilver either so hoping they rerelease him too with more accuracy or in the green suit.
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