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Everything posted by MODADDYDODOK

  1. They didn’t give me the buck I want so I ain’t giving them the buck they want.
  2. Totally. The whole jumpsuit body has like no muscle definition though, so I don’t see it being suitable for Zemo jr like..at all. I want both Zemos bad bad though… sick of waiting!
  3. She looks fine to me as a figure but I just can’t get past that orange.. that sh!t is hideous.
  4. @Legender oh duh, of course. Can’t believe I didn’t think of that 🤦🏼‍♂️that’s a good one.
  5. I’m liking this mad face he’s wearing too 🤷‍♂️. I display my guys in battle mostly so lots of these straight faces we see are pretty boring to me (big time annoyed with Quasar). I’m not knocking the sand head though just because he has a more stoic expression, which even still looks like he’s slightly disgruntled. Clearly he isn’t phased by taking a blow to the head! Just wish there were more sand effects. If I can find the right gritty looking spray paint, I’ll take it to Hydro-Man’s foot covers and see how that goes. Now its Absorbing Man’s turn! 😃
  6. I go back and forth about Mad Thinker. Could be a good base for The Collector though.
  7. I was a near-completionisto for a long time (never mcu) but over the last few years, Ive just stuck to picking cherries out from the classics tree (90s or prior) with some exceptions here and there.
  8. Im just not seeing how they would deliberately be boosting to whatever price they want right now out of pure greed. and during like the country’s worst & highest inflation rate ever? I mean if so… that’s pretty dirty.
  9. If anyone remembers that $5 coupon survey from Hasbro, the 23$ msrp was planned. The whole point of that survey was “would you pay this much more if we did this or that?” Of course the entire reason isnt solely inflation but wow I didn’t know there is a one-time-only inflation price, that’s amazing
  10. Wrong, the answer is inflation. But that is certainly why it’ll sell well. I’m guessing that’s the same shield that Venom Cap used.
  11. Yes! this is what I think/hope it’ll be. And that being the very comic book packed with series 1 Hulk could be something to acknowledge 🤷‍♂️. My guess is that or what I’m hoping it *won’t* be, a default Hulk body repainted with dark blue jeans and white torn shirt layover. 🙄
  12. IM bolted head would be great! 👍🏻 That horned mask is what I’m expecting though as well. And 30+$, I would hope he comes with new creative effects rather than the same old recycled crap that has come with like every IM figure. And that flight stand is ass, imo. Can’t even get WM to balance on.
  13. Yessss, finally!! The 80yr release was nothing but a tease, for me, so this is lovey to see. That bumps classic Zemo to my #1 spot. And makes me want classic Falcon even more now than ever before. My only “gripe” is where da USA flag at?? anyway, looking forward to seeing the others. I’ve yet to acquire any Iron Man figures since his 80yr mold was introduced. Waiting for the right one(s).
  14. Magneto should be like white Doom size, imo. The 3pk figure is too small/puny for what I imagine. But the twins are HUGE dots on my redo radar. The paint choices were doodoo. Aside from new head, QS should get white paint apps vs that pearlescent color that they think looks good. I’m hoping for the green suit next though so… hopefully they don’t screw that one up.
  15. I’m tempted but will likely wait for him to go on sale. I have to do that a lot nowadays!
  16. Awesome, really looking forward to this one. Sandman too, though too bad he didn’t get feet covers like Hydro Man did.
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