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Everything posted by MODADDYDODOK

  1. I have little to no enthusiasm for the movie or the figures but as far as comic versions go, I’d be fine with just Sersi and Ikarus.
  2. Hawkeye, yes. Mockingbird, yes. Black Widow, ew! 😆 I’d rather see a classic Natasha redo or Yelena. Swordsman, yes. Crossfire, yes. Ringleader, no. Ringmaster, yes. Oddball, nah. Zemo, yah. And the baf I’d probably go with like Griffin or Adaptoid here.
  3. I gotta go with classic Hulkbuster just please for the love of all that is sacred and holy do NOT paint the mofo GOLD. Not every classic needs to be modernized. Definitely want Lockjaw, just don’t think he’ll come as a baf.
  4. What armor is this… neo-classic mk 2? Highly doubt we’d see this exact armor in figure form but the head would be a neat alternative.
  5. Hmmm interesting. Hope green QS is true. If it were up to me, I’d say leave Eric Masterson out for a 3pack. Oh yessssss yes yes yes yes yes
  6. gee well since I can’t have MODAM 🙄🙂, guess I’ll go with Super-Adaptoid, who I want super duper bad too.
  7. Ooh am realizing that’s the comic that series 1 Hulk came with. This could be the time indeed 🤞🏻😑🤞🏻
  8. Hard to see any of the current bucks being right for Loki. He & Magneto are 2 who deserve that love and dedication we saw put in to Ultron.
  9. It didn’t help that every Loki I saw in store had messed up eyes. Wasn’t about to chance ordering one online either (with my luck). But over everything, I just want a winged helmet version.
  10. Just *not* into this buck for Loki. Too buff and feet are wrong, for me. But the one thing I do like better are the greens & yellows… looks more like what Vision shoulda got.
  11. Yeh I don't understand why he couldn't be made either.. He is a a made up character, based off of a made-up character in folklore. Also, nice work!
  12. Right, as opposed to it being like the ongoing retro lines.
  13. Hmm maybe. Don’t see why though bc we already been getting updates of toybizML throughout the years. So if it it more than a wave, my next guess would be a program for the year similar to 80th Anniversary, Mcu10, etc. I definitely look forward to whatever it is. Hopefully/finally getting the perfect Cap 😍
  14. He did indeed. Was under the impression that it was just gonna be a tribute wave to series 1, but shoot ya the more the merrier I guess, why not.
  15. I vaguely remember a rumor about a riders Hawkeye, right? Happening or not, I’d hope for another Clint in the same classic costume but upgraded to butterfly arms for better bow shot posing + accurate bow/quiver gear & improved head sculpt(s).
  16. No doubt a solo Robbie Reyes figure could/would do fine on his own. But a Haslab Hellcharger, they’d risk losing all those potential backers that may settle for the standalone Reyes figure. But what unique tooling ? All Im visioning is a classic, iconic, blacked out American muscle car with 2 doors that should open and 4 orange wheels that should roll, 2 that turn. Unless there’s anything else special about it, flame effects (hopefully detachable) would be the only unique anything I can think of, besides the fact there’d be a nice car toy in ML now. So I dunno… 150 though seems like too much for what it is, imo. Any higher than the 100-120 range, I think I’ll be looking for that solo release instead. But anyway, it might work better as an online exclusive or shared exclusive rather. Wouldn’t think it’d be packed any larger than the DOFP set, but aisle space being deemed the problem for big box stores is something I don’t understand bc everything in retail is based on the price per square foot and has to do with a certain amount of money per sq ft that it takes up in order to justify it using that space.
  17. Robbie Reyes w/ Hellcharger seems like it could/would do fine as a general or exclusive release 🤷‍♂️ The charger isnt thAtt fancy is it? and plus, modern GhOsT RiDeR….on offer for 1.5 months… for one time only??
  18. If they make a classic inspired Lizard based off the baf, that would be some bullsh%! dude ha. He needs a new dedicated sculpt to be a classic Lizard. No way around that one.
  19. This must be why I prefer to display Fisk with my DD rather than Spidey. I get that Frank Miller vibe. Also, where da pinstripes at??
  20. Is pretty much what I imagined would happen when they offered us A.I. Tony Stark. Thinking it’ll be the same mold, Flatter yellow, no blue, alternate horned head/mask. I see right through you, Hasbro! 🧐
  21. Black Widow, classic on a thicker buck, new head(s), wrist cuff effects. Black Panther, classic like Rocket Wave, different buck, add fist hands Scarlet Witch, classic comic red/pink redeco Vision, classic non-metallic green/yellow redeco. Alternate Cape? Fix undies. Scarlet Spider, on the retro buck w/ hoodie overlay Iron Man, neo-classic update Iceman, classic if Hasbro can figure it out. Tiger Shark, new buck, razorblade fins that run down side of limbs (probably the most doubtful) But Im gonna stop there I still have that stretched out Reed but if the blue clashes with the retro wave, I will absolutely be advocating for an upgrade.
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