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Everything posted by MODADDYDODOK

  1. Eternity could be a pretty neat one. And some tier unlocks here maybe
  2. Was really hoping for a classic head/helmet and G chest plate myself but I guess that seemed kinda unlikely since they included faceplates from the start. but whatever — everything else we’re getting out of this project is frickin lit so I remain super psyched; more than I ever was for Sentinel.
  3. Can see FOOM making it to the lab bc feel like he’s way closer up there with Sentinel and Galactus. Plus that creature would probably attract lot more than just ML collectors since he is a XL dragon. For anything else, I expect there’ll have to be some serious tier power to influence my decision.
  4. Now every Morgan I know or meet; I’m probably going to call Morg. Haha that, a wubble bubble, a fathead decal, something!
  5. Amazing how it went from “we’d be lucky to get Nova” to b!tchin about there possibly not being a 4th tier 😄
  6. But during the sentinel project, they sent out all those tier unlock emails from what I remember. And besides, I think anyone who knows who Morg is and wanted him definitely has kept up with or been aware of the project. But even so, if they send out an email on Monday morning, the unaware still have a 24 hour window, no? That can be a long day for some.
  7. I don’t recall there being any indication of some army builder aspect to this so that sounds about right.
  8. Wow, Morg ?! How awesome. Not really sweating over this unlock but he would be a nice bonus, that’s for sure. And for Firelord, I can 100% see him in line for a retro card release.
  9. I never saw a problem with that part as it is just muscle definition that both the KB and Moonstone buck have — it may seem to pop out more as being two round spots in pictures but it actually blends back around quickly into their back sides. Even still, every other area of her looks killer and way better than the KB mold, imo, which I hope we dont see a lot of ever again! 🙂
  10. I can’t believe they said the Shriek buck is going to be the standard female body going forward bc that’s great news.
  11. Hmm I doubt Capt Brit is a single release. 1, they teased/showed Meggan already. And 2, that sword was teased with a new Lockheed sitting on it.
  12. I knew Nova would be a lock before the end but didn’t expect it to happen tonight/tomorrow. And Surfer is a big fav of mine so am anxious to see how that one turns out.
  13. Ha ya once upon a time. I think all mine still have *some stragglers here and there but I’m not wasting my expensive, precious gasoline to go see.
  14. The waiters will stop waiting; Peoples will start jumping off the fence; fomo will kick in and then Nova will be a lock. So will Surfer. Anything beyond her is up in the air.
  15. I honestly don’t know anything about Morlun. Might have to give em a read soon though!
  16. Looks really cool! I may be tempted to get this one if ever found at a good discount. I don’t remember all the costume variations they’ve put on MCU figures — is there one of Thor that looks he does at the beginning of the movie?
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