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Everything posted by MODADDYDODOK

  1. I think an army builder wave would just psss me off. That would mean I'd have to order like 4 cases right away because of FOMO. Otherwise they'll probably be hard/expensive to acquire later on. I know they can always re release them as singles and the baf as a deluxe but... still.
  2. I think they should step it up a notch & do like an elimination bracket. Top 20 face-off or whatever. That would be more interesting. Collectors would go nuts! šŸ˜†
  3. Iā€™m so glad they didnā€™t modernize this classic with dark red & dark gold. That really annoyed me with Captain Mar-Vell and kinda with this new Nova too. Wish it didnā€™t bother me so much. šŸ˜­
  4. The figure is okay. I love the character. Definitely like the head sculpt but..... where are the boobies, Hasbro? Make boobies great again.
  5. Ya as long as he stands no taller than our Thanos, I'll be good.
  6. Oh man Iā€™m psyched for this! Can finally retire the ol toybiz one. Refreshes my hope of seeing a new, classic Lizard & Absorbing Man.
  7. Do like the yellohands for sure. But I meanā€¦ I ainā€™t buying this sh!t. Happy for whoever wants/likes it but Iā€™m starting to get a teeeeeeny bit annoyed with how much more often it seems they do less desirable deco first. Like Iā€™m surprised they didnā€™t release Grey, Red, Maestro or Compound before Green Hulk.
  8. Probably not anytime soon for Iron Man, but that would be cool if the ML team would stop bullshittin and paint these guys the right way. I wouldn't be complaining if they looked like this.
  9. Awesome wave & Love how modulr turned out but gonna pass and wait for the classic rerelease.
  10. Yup definitely looking forward to this one. Better be getting that 80th Cap classic redeco soon dad gummit.
  11. Hobgoblin wave DD was/is my favorite of them all. Though I hope they update that same look on new body using the Shang Chi torso or something + adding that billy club effect that came with the Shadowland DD.
  12. Got my fingers crossed that the next one is a Starjammer! šŸ¤žšŸ¼šŸ˜‘šŸ¤žšŸ¼
  13. Well thatā€™s cool theyā€™re adding him to the collection. He and Callisto, really surprising I thought. I really wish theyā€™ll do another Shaw but in his classic, shirtless look ya know like heā€™s ready to whoop some X-Men ass.
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