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Everything posted by MODADDYDODOK

  1. Yea that is a bit annoying. Even more so if that top part doesn’t come out the same as below the calf cut …*looking at Star-Lord* 😒
  2. Not a shabby wave overall but just gonna be Strucker and Wonder Man for me and will keep the other Puff parts on my radar. Maybe Molecule Man too if I find a good head piece to use for a more classic look. Digging the baf for sure but would’ve looked better I think if there was more contrast in the colors or if they painted thin black lines between to make the patterns come out more. They hardly ever add that kind of detail though so it’s no surprise.
  3. Noice! Glad to see how Puff Adder’s paint turned out, it seems. Was worried they’d go too hard on the scheme like they did with King Cobra. Thaaa hell we (I) wouldn’t!! 😄
  4. Lol looks alright to me 🤷‍♂️. Though I do wish he came with an extra head/expression.
  5. Will never really know I guess but I could’ve seen myself getting sucked in to backing this thing if they had presented classic definitive versions of Mephisto and Hellstrom (which I’m glad they didn’t but). If this was really the only time they’d make those characters, they chose the wrong looks imo.
  6. I’m assuming this is a modern version of Molecule Man. Is that right? I thought he was/looked older.
  7. I LOVE that they added an alternate head to Cap wearing a battle-ready expression. Always wanting that option for the heroes. Hey and there’s the shield everyone wanted with 20A Cap ha.
  8. I imagine this is the one and only safari jacket Wonder Man they’ll ever do so I feel like I gotta get it since I’ve wanted this version for soooo long. Just gonna have to fix the issues I have with it madam self. Gotta scoop up classic Strucker too. Looks great imo though would’ve been nice if they included an alternate hand to swap out with the gauntlet. Yelena not coming with a maskless head just tells me they’re gonna pull some double dippage with her. Looks cool still but am just wanting a direct update of the toybiz version anyway.
  9. You mean you don’t like the zipper?And that it isn’t even zipped up at the bottom? 😆
  10. Yeh I got my set a couple days ago and am enjoying Galactus quite a bit. Morg isn’t as big as I thought he’d be but still a cool figure. Nova is *ok*. Her face doesn’t look that good..on mine, at least. Maybe I need brighter lights. And SURFER being one of my top 3 favorite characters, it annoys me big time that he is using this buck again. I gotta keep him in the air and away from other figures just so his size won’t bug me. Just too stinkin small, man… grrr! I do like his head sculpt though.
  11. I’d say it’s possible since that would just make great sense to do for 2023 but the leaks gave me doubts and has me thinking that the full team they decided to go with are the 90s suits divided into those 3-packs. But.. who knows, it could happen. My hopes for the anniversary were to see them bust out the team in their 2nd costumes (redoing Cyke and Jean) where Angel is sporting either his red/yellow suit or his blue/white halo suit.
  12. Definitely MvC inspired but hmmm dunno how I feel about that metallic.. perrywinkle.
  13. The teeny weeny things I’m not crazy for are the ninja feet and that the boots and gloves aren’t darker, but still such a great looking upgrade anyhow. Intended on waiting it out to find him on sale but came across a loose one for fairly cheap so he’s now on the way.🕺🏼🕺🏼🕺🏼 His opposite fist and open hand are included as well.
  14. Yeah, it can indeed. I never saw the Spider-Man figures from that wave but all the comic figures lingered for a while. My city only ever saw 1 case of the walgreens Moon Knight that was divided among the 4 stores here and took about 3 weeks before there was just one left which is when I decided to go get him. Those were the last new wg figures I ever saw as well.
  15. Hmm didn’t realize this was hard to find because I remember him warming pegs in my area. Another easy skip for me anyways. Just hoping they’ll do a classic MK using the base of Vulcan — maybe throw some black shading on there or something because all white just looks kinda dull imo. How about a classic WCA 2pack of Moon Knight and Tigra 😍
  16. Yea it’s a nice reuse for the retro card for sure but came to the conclusion that it’s just not one I care to ever get. If they ever release Rhodey on the modular mold though, then I’ll be game.
  17. Well free shipping was certainly a surprise. Never expected this one to be a hot item but I’m thrilled for it. and shortly after I put in my order, Lizard arrived 🥳
  18. For anyone interested, GameStop has retro Beast available for preorder at 22.99 right now.
  19. I think the body is fine for this costume🤷‍♂️. Reminds me of the original portrayal. But I had dropped my preorder a little while back anyway.. just didn’t feel like he was a necessity for my collection.
  20. original Captain Britain reveal, let’s gooo 🤞🏻😑🤞🏻
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