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Everything posted by MODADDYDODOK

  1. I’m not really sold on it, but decided to go ahead and back it anyway if it is to help force the tier reveals. Can always just back out at the end. 🤷‍♂️
  2. That’s what I’m hoping — doubtful but maybe, just *maaaaybe* that Mephisto glance was possibly a tease for the GR wave or something outside of this project 🤞🏻..that may or may not show at Pulsecon
  3. Whatchu talkin bout, that’s a classic car 😁. I agree with ya though. They can offer Mephisto here for a very expensive & limited time, but unable to offer him any other way? I would love to hear them explain that one.
  4. Whew, that is one sweet looking Dodge Charger. I always thought GR Reyes was a pretty cool design but still don’t know anything about the character nor ever really cared to. I don’t give two turds about the early bird offering. That’s a lot of money but I *were* to back this project, it would be for that classic American muscle, Mephisto and the other tier figures if they can pass as classic versions. Blackheart seems likely. Maybe Hellstrom 🤷‍♂️
  5. They have changed the legs (and arms) on the KB torso. That’s what the new Silk and Spinneret figures are, I thought.
  6. I like the color/yellow this time around but no way can I get excited over another DD on the bucky cap mold. It’s a good thing these pro exclusives are weak though bc I have no interest in getting an annual subscription ever so… no complaints here.
  7. Well I mean.. these issues aren’t anything new so why haven’t they ever been called out in interviews or Q&As before? Or have they?
  8. I vaguely remember one of those personalities from that Q&A said they were given a list of things not to ask about. I feel like that would be one of them 🙄
  9. I wish they’d make some new lower legs with calf cuts and apply them to some of these ladies that should have actual boots. Viper here would’ve been a good one for that. I’d share some reference but it doesn’t allow me to attach images anymore for some reason.
  10. Ha yup I’d have to go with that. It was unsettling to me the way Surfer and Vision (2 of my all time favs) weren’t sizing up to others on the shelf so I had to take them to the air to feel enough satisfaction to keep them around. Though I did end up getting rid of them both after a while…. am holding onto hope that the ML team will do those characters justice one day💀. Won’t be holding my breath for a better Firelord though.
  11. My set arrived today and I must say I do like this Otto much more than the original — the colors, extra hands, lighter tentacles and stoic head sculpt all come together nicely. I have no attachment to Silk and never intended on keeping her from this set but the figure itself is nicely done and gives me second thoughts 🙄🙂
  12. Am pretty much in agreement with all that’s been said here. Like the reviewer said, he’s not what he should’ve/could’ve been. Just a phoned in update.
  13. At this point in the line, I’m in it strictly for the classics (that are done well) so this’ll be an easy skip for me but glad for those who’re looking forward to it… price tag is wack but.. pretty cool figure 👍
  14. Yes, not to mention the F4 wave’s Psycho Man & High Evolutionary I wouldn’t rule out a Neo-Classic update. That would be a great one to show up here on this card and a dream to finally become true.
  15. A good start for the IM cards. Perfect place for Dreadknight to get a rerelease.
  16. Yes, that would’ve been the ideal redeco for this buck imo. Liked your digibash on it, btw 👍. That and Blaze in his brown trench coat were really my only expectations for him on this card. The assumption came from Karen the collector. But in all seriousness, previous villains we’ve gotten with nazi backgrounds give me no reason to believe that Mephisto, Blackheart, etc could/would/should not be done. Just doesn’t make a lick of sense to me. I always envisioned Blackheart being offered as a baf somewhere eventually but can also see him getting a deluxe/special release of some sort. And Mephisto can easily find a home on the GR retro card if not like, say, a 2nd villain wave or something. A throne isn’t a crucial piece imo nor something I’d wanna pay extra for, personally.
  17. I am not familiar with Sentry at all, nor was I ever that interested whenever I was first introduced to him through whatever toybiz wave he was apart of. Giant Man? But this is the body I’d want to use if I were to get a selfie series figure, since my name begins with S 😄
  18. It looks nice and all, especially with the retro card to compliment it, but am already feeling pretty burned out from the repaint game that they‘re playing so hard at it seems like. It’s just the same Blaze but sporting Ketch colors. The first 2 figures were more accurate. When Dwight teased the gun he said it was part of an unknown wave, remember?
  19. YeeeeSss let the retro GR stuff begin 🤘😝🤘 I don’t really feel the need for this particular figure but the card looks great.
  20. I planned on doing the same with Rhodey as well. Nice [early] grab!
  21. There’s no other legend right now that I’m looking forward to as much as this one. So good.
  22. I keep thinking these are essentially just a bunch of Bag-Mans that should divide into 22.99 each, like he is. So about 115 for the set. But anywayzzz… I can’t really knock the farty little Spider-Man because I know my boy will love to have that one. Molten Man does irritate me most because of the Sunfire/Torch usage but this is kinda motivating me to finally do something with a spare Sub-Mariner body I have; to switch out forearms and try painting it up for him As for Silvermane, I never cared for the custom/kitbash figures out there so to see that nearly being the official ML look just stinks, man. I always hoped he would get the baf treatment somewhere down the line since he would’ve needed a unique sculpt. I mean hell, they did it for Sp//dr and Warlock and whoever else so why not.
  23. Just gonna stick to the plan of waiting this out until a price drop comes through before pulling the trigger. This is the way.
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