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Lucid_Silverback last won the day on December 30 2022

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  1. After dialing-in my classic Ant-man custom a few months back, I figured it wouldn't be right if I didn't construct a classic Wasp to accompany him. Recipe is relatively straightforward: Body is all MCU Ultron BAF Wasp. Head is a modified Sauron BAF unmasked X-23 head. I'm not really sure from which red figure(s) the hands originate. Antennae are cut from the Eye of Agamotto necklace from the Dormammu BAF Astral Strange figure. Her microphone was cut from the optical display on the superfluous Dirk Anger head. Everything else was fabricated from Apoxie Sculpt.
  2. That's a decent photoshop job. Zoom in on that face. It's quite obvious. Plus, the art on the side of the box and the plastic insert is from the Doctor Strange figure.
  3. Nothing too crazy here; the body is all AoA Magneto, the head is a random Steve Rogers, and the helmet is from the original Toybiz figure. Aside from the minimal blue-and-black paint job, all I did is... *Cut the gauntlet cuffs to zigzag along the edge *Sculpt his wrap-around torso details *Modify the head/neck socket to fit each other *Dremel-out the inside of the helmet to fit the head *Sculpt the lower back of the helmet and fuse it to the head *Fabricate his belt buckle out of a scrap of rubbery plastic *Sculpt his little shrink-o-tronic doohickey.
  4. I removed the hands and lengthened the forearms a bit to provide more 'meat' in which I could anchor the pegs from the replacement hands. I trimmed his cape to eliminate most of the raggedy edges. I shaved off all the lumps and bumps on his shoes which I think were supposed to be dirt clods or something? I used a Dremel to get rid of his belt and also grind wrinkles into his jumpsuit. Lastly, I shaved off his lower face and ears and then rebuilt his entire head. After all that, I repainted everything but his cape and reassembled him. Now I finally have me a classic Mole Man just itching to zap Ben Grim in the tuchus! Woot! Woot! For more of my Marvel Legends customs and longer write-ups, visit my custom thread on FWOOSH.
  5. The right leg was salvaged from a Bishop figure and simply painted to match. The head is from the original Toybiz Super Skrull with the ears trimmed and upper lip & teeth cut out then rebuilt, along with the cheeks and back of the head. The effect arm is the original toybiz arm, cut and hollowed-out with successively larger drill bits, and then boiled-and-fit to slide on the forearm snug (after removing the hand).
  6. The recipe is pretty straightforward. The body is Hasbro's Hydra agent from the Mandroid BAF wave, the head is the bandana-wearing Punisher head from the Walgreens exclusive --whittled down and resculpted, with the flowing tails extricated and repositioned. The hands are from Shang Chi, and the belt tails are from the original Iron Fist figure. The collar itself is actually cut from the lid from a 30oz container of Temptations cat snacks, chicken flavor. Wait. What? Anyway, I included a couple WIP shots for anyone interested. Check it out...
  7. Wunderbar! That's one hell of a snazzy-lookin' Duckpool ...er, Deadpool the Duck. Excellent work!
  8. I just edited the original post to include the source: a MacFarlane Creech Deluxe figure. Cheers!
  9. The entire body is the Magneto figure from the Apocalypse BAF wave sans forearm vambraces and with a pair of modified wolverine fists. The head is another Magneto head; which one, I do not know. Anyway, lots of apoxy sculpt applications while still retaining full range of motion at all the articulation breaks. I believe the tentacles, which were sent to me from a friend, are from a MacFarlane Creech Deluxe figure from way back in the day. I've also included a WIP image of the point in the process where I was applying the knee-high shin-protector top of the boots (as you can see from the plumber's tape and painter's tape).
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