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EnSabbaNerd last won the day on July 29 2022

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  1. 90’s armored Cap was my first thought, especially since Hasbro seems to be pushing the “mech” theme with Marvel.
  2. My moneys still on Leech/Artie head in that jar; that portraits straight from the comics. Remember when they used Havok’s plasma effects like slime under Maggot’s maggots? They’re messing with us.
  3. THAT’S NO MOLOID!!! It’s Artie or Leech!!! Looks like classic X-Factor and more Morlocks are on the way!!!
  4. Longshots facial proportions, particularly the eyes, look off. It remind me of Toad and Sabertooths sculpts; not as bad but still less realistic than other legends.
  5. Looks awesome! What all did you do to that Sabertooth head to make it look that good?!
  6. But if they gave him regular claws now how would they get your money after everyone buys this out of fear of missing out and then another when the official astonishing release comes out?!
  7. My theory: this will retroactively become Steve Rodgers agent from when he donned the costume (hence the blue eyes and same body as all the Cap legends). The plan is to release a beefier, more accurate Walker USAgent fig under the West Coast Avengers retro card back line and get all the fans to buy it who didn’t want to miss out on the character, so they caved and bought this, less accurate release. I bet the same will happen with Havok, all of a sudden the bone breaker wave becomes “modern costume” Havok then they’ll sell us a retro backed one with while chest graphic and silver collar.
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