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  1. It's weird when you want to laugh AT a company, and how its moronic idea blew up in its face, rather than feeling actually glad when something like this happens.
  2. Overall some nice reveals. It's nice to have some figures to look forward to down the line. My only "nit pick" is Aunt May wearing a suit and tie on her upper half. Is she wearing Uncle Ben's clothes for some reason? 🙂
  3. I have the figure, and it never occurred to me why it felt - incomplete - you hit it on the head, it's the lack of circle pulse effects. While it was a "duh" moment for me, it was a bad lack of inclusion on Hasbro's part. As you pointed out they have dozens from which to choose from and I would think the increase in production cost would have been minimal - especially when you factor the lack of BAF pieces with these figures. It feel like Hasbro is cutting corners wherever possible while charging more and more - I mean a dog for the GOG3 BAF. Remember when we got Fin Fang Foom? Those were the days!
  4. Looks like he's trying to rip a grumpy! BAD head sculpt!
  5. Waste of plastic - I know these are targeted to kids, but after they've used the gimmick a couple of times these will collect dust.
  6. I was a bit disappointed in this figure, although I think it's just a stylistic choice. Personally, I like the original BAF Blob, I like the extra cellulite with the first Blob, to me it gave the piece more of a mutant "feel". This figure looks more like a tall obese man, rather than a mutant, at least to me, although I like the optional second head of this figure quite a bit.
  7. This is what I wrote on a Star Wars site when I read the same news. I feel the Star Wars brand is in much worse shape than the Marvel Legends brand, but some of the same types of things could apply in the years to come. Right now Marvel Legends still has a good character supply to draw from, although I think there is a danger of collector fatigue. In my opinion, Hasbro needs to be careful with what they do going forward, and their Haslab projects need to return to the level of the Sentinel and Galactus. $17-$18 dollar basic figure price points for 3.75" figures No vehicle support that doesn't surpass $100 on store shelves for old molds. Two consecutive Haslab failures. $25+ dollar 6" figure prices. EVERY figure is a re-issue, or a deluxe piece with a new gimmick to add cost, like a backpack, an extra blaster, a store "exclusive", or a character "tax". I can't remember the last time I've seen or read about a "new" figure. One without reusing parts or a simple repaint, in either scale. The unpopular plastic free packaging. A business model that charges more for fewer customers. Consumers leaving the line day by day. I stated more than five years ago that this strategy was destined to failure. I suggested a new toy company like Mattel acquire the line, or perhaps Disney sign over the rights to the company that did the Jawa Sandcrawler, a vehicle that had a $100 price tag, came with electronics, play features, was a decent scale, and had two figures. I was rebuffed every single time with the same sets of arguments even though it was clear that the line will end with Hasbro, if things do not change, and drastically so. When pressed for an answer as to why it wouldn't be viable for a company, say Mattel, to take over the line, I was informed that the fan base, (meaning themselves), wouldn't want to purchase Vader's and Luke's again from another company. I responded that nobody makes anybody buy anything, and maintain that the line would be much better off with another company - mainly because it couldn't get any worse. I was wrong, and it has gotten worse, a lot worse. It's time for antiquated, fear based, and frankly arrogant thinking to end. If collectors want to collect Star Wars figures in the future major things have to change. Either Hasbro has to do a 180, which they can't - they are simply too handcuffed and have the wrong business model. Or someone else needs to come in and get a shot at fixing the line.
  8. Best title for an article! It had me laughing the moment I read it. And yes, they are out of their GD minds - at least to me!
  9. For the FF4 kid pack I assume there's an Invisible Woman figure we aren't seeing in there to justify that price?!?!
  10. Um...No, not at that price, never at that price. I guess the mind set is "Sell to a smaller market at a larger mark up." rather then, "Sell more at a lower price point." Great way to lose a license and business.
  11. Beautiful creations! Love the Sasquatch and the Dragon Man, I'd really like to see an updated version of Dragon Man in a Legends line.
  12. That's a sad story, but it doesn't surprise me in the least. I was a Star Wars collector for years until I couldn't take it anymore. The lack of new product, reusing parts, constant price increases, not listening when fans have asked for characters hundreds of times, it was all just too much. Hasbro claims to love all their fans, but really they are a soulless company that sees collectors as a giant pain to deal with. My brother was a toy sculptor, (not with Hasbro), for a few years - the owner took all the credit while his staff did all the actual work. It's no wonder people in the industry have huge egos and look down on us pitiful "collectors" - some will even steal from their own employees.
  13. I like how sarcastic you are about Marvel toys. Somebody needs to keep them on their toes. 🙂
  14. I don't know, I'm not really sold on this figure. While it has a decent likeness of the character, it's so obvious that it was done on the Abomination mold, I feel as though Abomination just had a baby and hasn't grown up enough to get its adult, (darker green), coat. The mouth moving is cool though.
  15. Captain America's "angry" head sculpt looks like he's trying to rip a grumpy.
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