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jscottt991 last won the day on September 25

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  1. The Rogue would be better as a young, evil Rogue if she didn't look like she was in her late 40s.
  2. How are they getting us though? They still had to manufacture that Rogue? It's not like they discovered a stockpile of Rogues somewhere and are tricking us into buying them. They could have re-released Mystique and it comes to basically the same thing for them. AndyL is closer to being right. They just don't understand who we are as collectors/buyers. They thought we needed an A-List character to support the inclusion of Destiny. They don't push these A-List repaints on us as part of some weird deception. They just don't understand what they are doing.
  3. Interesting. I think you might be in the minority. Most people I've seen are grumbling about having to pay $50 for a Destiny figure they want and a Rogue they don't. To me, I don't like Destiny and I hate this Rogue, so it was an easy pass.
  4. It's just a weird Amazon price adjustment. It happens at Walmart too. Just wait and it will readjust. Or order from Pulse or BBTS.
  5. But if they didn't paint male lips we would have never received this emo Bruce Banner masterpiece.
  6. Since Death's Head is in stock right now at Hasbro Pulse U.S., I really doubt it's anything to do with him.
  7. It's probably Rogue. We know she is shipping with Wolverine and should have gone up on Friday.
  8. Better than if they put up new, highly demanded stuff and then sold only limited quantities.
  9. Wolverine is up. I got him without any issue. Dan's definition of "Spring" is rather stretched. Wolverine is scheduled to ship June 22, 2025. Wish Rogue was taken care of. https://www.target.com/p/x-men-39-97-legends-wolverine-action-figure/-/A-87846682?preselect=87846682
  10. Well, that makes Friday less stressful I guess. I really want another Rogue. I'm not sure I need Wolverine at all since I passed on everyone but Madeline Pryor the first time. Hasbro really kind of made this positive announcement into something negative by involving Target.
  11. Dan Yun called it a reissue and said they wouldn't ship until Spring 2025, so I don't think it's the original run.
  12. They are probably fan channel exclusives in Canada. Frankly, you might have an easier time getting him than those of us relying on Target.
  13. Honestly, in hand, I think I prefer '97. I love the body on the Retro Rogue, but the head sculpt is off. The simpler '97 head appeals to me. Plus the green jacket offends me less than the brown jacket. I know the brown jacket is the comic version, but I just hate jackets.
  14. Some of them were very hard to get. Rogue was the rarest. And demand spiked after the show released. They were due for a re-release. Frankly, they should re-release them all (except maybe that dumb Magneto). But Rogue coming back is great news for those us too afraid to touch the one we have because of how valuable it is. By the way, Dan Yun all but confirmed it's Rogue and Wolverine.
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